[comp.edu] FrEdMail Map and Dataline Numbers

patth@dasys1.UUCP (Patt Haring) (03/01/88)

                             FrEdMail Network Map
                              February 28, 1988
This map of the FrEdMail Network of school based computer bulletin boards may
be distributed for educational use, but  not  for sale, so long as the entire
file is distributed  including the explanatory information at the file's end.
        PDL    CENTRAL           SANMARC                 POWAY
           \  /                     |                      |
          /     \                 / | \                    |
     CAPRI      OCNKNOL          /  |  \                VLYCNTR
                                /   |   \
                         PACIFIC    |    LINC
                                    |  ELCENTR  LAKESID
                                    |      |   /
                                    |      |  /
                                    |     SDCOE---UIUCED
                                    |     /|  \
                                    |    / |   \
         |                       \  |  /                   \     /
LINCOLN  | ORNGUSD                \ | /              SANTEE \   / BELL
       \ | /                       \|/                     \ \ / /
       / | \                     // | \\                   / / \ \
         |                      /   |   \                  /     \
        OMSD--DESERT           /    |    \             CVUSD     CORONAD
                 _____________/     |     \_____________
                /                   |                    \
          CTW  /                    |  *WILSON            \ NWHAVEN---BREVARD
           |  /                     |  /                    \  |
           | /               ANSON  | / *NCSDPI              \ |   CUMBER
           |/                     \ |/  /                     \|  /
                                  / |  \                     /|  \
                           CATAWBA  |   SWAIN          BAIRES |   PTORICO
                                    |                         |      |
                                 WSALEM--COOK               ANNAP   CEMI
  Node   |     System  Name      |    Location    | Sysop  | Number  |  /Baud
ANAHEIM   Anaheim Union H.S.D.   Anaheim, CA       GJANKEL  (714) 220-4088/12
ANNAP     ?????                  Annapolis, MD     GMERRILL (301) 757-7943/24
ANSON     Wadesboro Middle Schl  Wadesboro, NC     SGRIFFIN (704) 694-4523/12
ARGO      Rutgers Prep School    Somerset, NJ      DGARSON  (201) 545-8668/12
BAIRES    (three schools)        Buenos Aires, Arg AMATEU   011541362-0913/12
BELL      Bell Jr. High          San Diego, CA     MCASEY   (619) 267-2807/12
BLADEN    Bladen County Schools  Bladen County, NC HMCINTYR (919) 862-8781/12
BONITA    Al Rogers' House       Bonita, CA        AROGERS        Private
BOSTON  * UMass                  Boston, MA        CMESKILL  ???  ???-????/12
BREVARD   Roy Allen Elem.        Melbourne, FL     EWHITE   (305) 242-0370/12
CAPRI     Capri Elem.            Encinitas, CA     JWHEAT   (619) 944-4365/12
CATAWBA   Catawba County BdofEd  Hickory, NC       TBLEDSOE (704) 256-8136/12
CEMI      Caguas Elem.           Puerto Rico       RHERNAND  ???  ???-????/03
CENTRAL   Central Elem.          Encinitas, CA     MSANCHEZ (619) 944-4328/12
COOK      Cook Middle School     Winston-Salem, NC JDIXON   (919) 727-2581/12
CORONAD   Coronado Middle School Coronado, CA      JFISK    (619) 435-5831/03
CORRAL    Crawford High School   San Diego, CA     RBAKER   (619) 265-0466/12
CTW       ChildrensTVWrkshp GBBS New York City, NY OALFONSO (212) 595-4588/12
CUMBER    Cumberland School Dept Cumberland, RI    CSANTOS  (401) 767-2425/03
CVUSD     Cajon Valley Union SD  El Cajon, CA      CABEL    (619) 588-0948/12
DESERT    Desert Sands Sch.Dist. Palm Springs, CA  MCOY     (619) 342-3979/12
ELCENTR   El Centro Sch.Dist.    ImperialValley CA BDUNCAN  (619) 352-4685/03
ENCINIT   Encinitas Union        Encinitas, CA     SGRIFFIT (619) 944-4316/12
ERICSON   Ericson Elem.          Mira Mesa, CA     PDOYLE   (619) 578-0312/12
ESCUSD    Escondido Union        Escondido, CA     BSIMPSON (619) 740-2420/03
FULLRTN   Fullerton Elementary   Fullerton, CA     TANDERSO (714) 447-7496/12
HENRY     Patrick Henry H.S.     San Diego, CA     KHABETLE (619) 287-2644/12
HYDE      Mattamuskeet H.S.      Swan Quarter, NC  ATROUSDE (919) 925-3481/12
LAKESID   Lakeside Middle School Lakeside, CA      PBELL    (???) 390-2689/??
LINC      Lincoln Jr. H.S.       Oceanside, CA     MJACKS   (619) 439-0614/03
LINCOLN   Lincoln                Lincoln, NB       JSHEDLOS (402) 466-9078/12
NCSDPI  * NC State Dept. of PI   Raleigh, NC       CDENNING (919) ????????/12
NEWENG    Hartford               Hartford, CN      DSAYERS  (203) 951-3483/12
NEWPORT   Newport-Mesa USD       Newport Beach, CA DEWING   (714) 556-3177/12
NJMCSIP   NewJerseyMathCmptrSci  Glassboro Col, NJ KRIDEOUT (609) 863-6561/24
NWHAVEN   New Haven              New Haven, CN     ASOLIS   (203) 787-0042/03
NORWOOD   Norwood Elem.          Los Angeles, CA   PJACKSON (213) 748-6218/12
OCNKNOL   Ocean Knoll Elem.      Encinitas, CA     MLATORRE (619) 944-4357/12
OCNSIDE   Jefferson Jr. H.S.     Oceanside, CA     YANDRES  (619) 757-3180/12
OMSD      Ontario-Montclair SD   Ontario, CA       JSTCLAIR (714) 986-9890/12
ORNGUSD   Orange Unified Schools Orange, CA        JCRUM    (714) 997-6387/12
PACIFIC   Independent            Oceanside, CA     JTROTTER (619) 439-4665/12
PAGE1     Page School            Costa Mesa, CA    AMIGLIAR (714) 432-0574/12
PAGE2     Page School            Sanford, FL       RLUNA    (305) 323-2426/12
PEPPER    Pepperdine University  W Los Angeles, CA NSTROUSE (213) 568-5551/12
PERSON    Person County Schools  Roxboro, NC       DWARLICK (919) 597-8528/12
PDL       Park Dale Lane Elem.   Encinitas, CA     MWILSON  (619) 944-4398/12
PHILLY    Philadelphia           Philadelphia, PA  DHARKINS (215) 628-1650/12
POWAY     Poway H.S.             Poway, CA         ESHIEH   (619) 748-4943/03
PTORICO   San Juan H.S.          Puerto Rico       AMENENDE  ???  ???-????/03
SANMARC   San Marcos H.S.        San Marcos, CA    REHERENT (619) 744-8547/03
SANTEE    Santee School Dist.    Santee, CA        RDRESSEL (619) 562-9810/12
SDCOE     San Diego Co Office    San Diego, CA     AROGERS  (619) 292-1816/12
SDSU      Ed Tech                SDSU, CA          BDODGE   (619) 265-3428/12
SDUSD     San Diego Unified      San Diego, CA     RFABIAN  (619) 295-9591/12
SHHS      Sunny Hills HS         Fullerton, CA     KGORDON  (714) 870-3423/12
SLHS      San Leandro HS GBBS    San Leandro, CA   PMARCELI (415) 895-0135/24
SNLNDRO   San Leandro Schools    San Leandro, CA   BSHAYLER (415) 895-1785/12
SNMATEO   Office of Ed           San Mateo, CA     LFINKEL  (415) 697-4523/12
SOWEST    Southwest High School  San Diego, CA     TFOSTER  (619) 575-5430/03
SWAIN     Swain County Schools   Bryson City, NC   LWINCHES (704) 488-2290/12
SYSIDRO   Beyer Elementary       San Ysidro, CA    SGONZALE (619) 428-4162/12
UIUCED    UnivIllinoisClgEductn  Urbana-Champaigne JLEVIN   (217) 333-2246/??
USIU      U S Intl Univ          San Diego, CA     KWIBURG   ???  ???-????/12
VLYCNTR   Valley Center          Valley Center, CA JPERDUE  (619) 749-8745/12
WALNUT    Walnut Valley USD      Diamond Bar, CA   JPARK    (714) 594-3813/24
WILSON *  ?????                  Wilson, NC        EHALL    (???) ???-????/??
WSALEM    Kimberley Park Elem    Winston-Salem, NC TCLAUSET (919) 727-2529/12
Notes: 1. a * after a system name in the list or before a system name on the
          map means that system is not yet active will become active.
       2. to print out this map using FrEdWriter 4.4, you must first change
          the underline token to something other than the \ character.
Changes from the 21 Feb 88 map include:
Sunny Hills High School (SHHS) in Fullerton with Kenn Gordon as SysOp is now
 a part of the network.  SHHS is temporarily connected via SDCOE while the
 bugs get worked out.
Southwest HS in San Diego is now back on the FrEdMail Network at 300 baud
 with TFOSTER as sysop.  SOWEST is connected via SDUSD.
To address email on the FrEdMail Net version 10, use the following format:
          <first node>!<next node>!<last node>!<user name>
The first node is NOT the node you are calling when you send email but
rather the first node to which the system you are calling is connected on the
Network Map.  An exclamation mark is used to separate each node's name from
the next one in the address and also to separate the node name and the user
name at the receiving end.  You can always send email to SYSOP at a node if
you do not know the name of a user there.  The sysop's name for each node is
also shown on the Node List.  For example, say Bob Shayler at SLHS wants to
send mail to Kim Lim at PHILLY, the proper address would be:
and Kim's return address to Bob would be:
FrEdMail version 12 will use a different but similar addressing mode.
The FrEdMail Network of school based computer bulletin board systems is
supported in part by Computer Using Educators (CUE), Inc.  CUE is an
organization of educators interested in the use of computer technology in
education.  For further information or to join, call 415-328-2248, or write
to Computer-Using Educators, Inc., P. O. Box 2087, Menlo Park, CA 94026, or
send email to CUE Executive Director Pat Cleland on CompuServe (74415,1132).
Bob Shayler, sysop of SNLNDRO, provides this map as a free service to the
FrEdMail Network using information sent from local FrEdMail System sysops.
Please send updates, corrections, and questions to SNLNDRO!BSHAYLER.
bshayler (SNLNDRO) - 28 Feb 88

These mailpaths are *not* part of the UseNet and will only work on
FrEdMail Network.

UseNet users can send questions/comments to Bob Shayler using
this mailpath:  Robert_K_Shayler@cup.portal.COM

N.B.:  This file has been reposted from the NYC FrEdMail site at:
       The Children's Television Workshop BBS
       212-595-4588 (3/12/2400 baud, 24 hrs)

       *all* callers are welcome!


Patt Haring                 {sun!hoptoad,cmcl2!phri}!dasys1!patth
Big Electric Cat Public Access Unix (212) 879-9031 - System Operator

Three aspects of wisdom:  intelligence, justice & kindness.