posdamer@wucs2.UUCP (Jeff Posdamer) (03/19/88)
GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Intensive Program Summer Session - May 30-August, 1988 This Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence offers a strong foundation in the theory, techniques and methods of AI. Graduates will have a grounding in knowledge engineering, AI pro- gramming methods and languages, knowledge acquisition and representation, and application development tools and methods. Ideal for engineers, scientists and MIS professionals, this pro- gram will give the students an intensive preparation in the fun- damentals of artificial intelligence and expert systems with em- phasis on the practices required to design and construct applica- tions. The program has over 100 graduates and is currently in its fourth offering. Graduates will earn credit applicable to a graduate degree and will be awarded a graduate certificate upon satisfactory completion. the program emphasises laboratory work. A significant part of the program is the students' projects. Each student should enter the program with a proposed AI project. The individual student performs knowledge acquisition, luation, en- coding and analysis. The staff will select projects to be imple- mented as prototypes by teams of three or four students. Final project reports are presented in seminar and written form. For further information contact: Center for Intelligent Computing Systems Campus Box 1141 Washington University Saint Louis, MO 63130 (314)-889-6766 tonya@syr.wustl.edu -- Jeff Posdamer, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, (314) 889-6147 posdamer@syr.wustl.edu