[comp.edu] Computer aided test procedure/case development.

fcc349@tijc02.UUCP (Fariba Cavitt ) (05/05/88)

  I am interested in anyone who knows of a commercial software or anyone
  who  is  developing  or  researching  a  software capable of doing the

  *    A software tool running on a PC machine or  mainframe  that  will
       allow  developers to enter test cases into a database as they are
       designing and developing their product.   This  will  allow  test
       procedures being developed at the same time the design and coding
       is  taking  place.   The  major benefits of this product would be
       online access to the test cases and online  update  of  the  test

  *    It  is preferable that this software run on a mainframe and allow
       multiple users access the database.  Here some security  checking
       must  take  place.  Also locking to avoid two people updating the
       same test cases must be provide.  

  *    As an example lets  say  7  system  engineers  are  developing  a
       factory automation software.  As the interfaces between different
       processes  and  different pieces of hardware are defined the test
       cases for them must be written.  These test cases will  go  under
       headings  such  as  man/machine  interface,  controller/measuring
       device interface, ...  and data gathering/database interface.  

  *    So the software must allow a user to enter the test  cases  under
       different  headings.   A heading covers a package that performs a
       task.  Examples of headings for the factory  automation  software
       would  be  man/machine  interface  or   data   gathering/database
       interface.   Also  it  must  allow   headings   that   test   the
       interactions  of  two  or  more  operations that may appear under
       different headings.  In the above example if part of the  factory
       automation is to save the operator's inputs in the database then
       a heading  to test the arrival and consistency of data entered by
       the operator must be created.  

  *    When software is ready to be turned to the system test  the  test
       cases  will  go  along with it.  This will give the system test a
       starting point and make sure that they do test the decisions made
       at design.  

  *    During the testing of the product system engineers or  developers
       who  are  maintaining the software now can look at the history of
       test cases.  If for example  the  man/machine  interface  changes
       completely new test cases must be entered and perhaps some of the
       old tests repeated.  

  *    At  the  same time during system test the testers must update the
       test cases.  The information they put in is to the problems  they
       encountered  during  tests  and  whether  or  not  the  test  was
       successful.  Also if they see a need for more and different  test
       cases  under  a subject they must have the freedom to enter their

  I personally believe a system like this makes the testing cycle a  lot
  less  painful.   It also keeps a history of the tests performed on the
  different parts of the product.  This will assures that testers  don't
  repeat  tests  unless  the  code  in  that  section has changed.  Also
  managers and engineers can check the  hardiness  and  quality  of  the
  product by looking at number of tests and types of tests performed.  

  Please let me know if you know of a product or of any development that
  will perform some or all of the above.  

  My email address is 
                 ... mcnc!rti!tijc02!fcc349
  My mail address is:  
                 FARIBA CAVITT
                 M/S 3520
                 P.O. DRAWER1255
                 ERWIN H.W.
                 JOHNSON CITY TN 37605-1255
  Thank you for your time.  

  Fariba Cavitt