[comp.edu] Logo news: New floor turtle launch

ken@aiva.ed.ac.uk (Ken Johnson) (09/07/88)

Valiant Designs Limited exhibited their new floor turtle, the `Roamer',
at the British Logo User Group annual meeting. 

The Roamer is a programmable robot, intended to be robust and reliable. 
It can be transformed by fitting different covers into all sorts of
robots: a fire engine with a flashing light and extending ladder, a dog
(with wagging tail and bark), and a bee with noisy flapping wings.  And,
like the classic Floor Turtle, it can draw on the floor with a centrally
positioned pen. 

Expected release date: November 1988; price around 70 pounds for the
basic robot.  Great fun. 

Further details from (NB Postal strike at the moment in UK!!)
	Valiant Technology Ltd
	Gulf House
	370 Old York Road
	London SW18 1SP

Phone	01-874 8747
From:       Ken Johnson
Address:    AI Applications Institute, The University, EDINBURGH, Scotland
Phone:      031-225 4464 ext 212
Email:	    k.johnson@ed.ac.uk
Quotation:  There is a difference between disliking people, even disliking
	    people a lot, and actually killing them. Most of the people on
	    this planet owe their lives to this distinction. [Douglas Adams]