[comp.edu] Online Journal of Distance Education - Feb. 1989

patth@ccnysci.UUCP (Patt Haring) (02/27/89)

         ............   ...........
       ...........         ..........             THE
      ...........     .     ..........       ONLINE JOURNAL
     ..........     . . .    ..........  OF DISTANCE E,
        DUCATION......................AND COMMUNICATION...........................................February 1989.......................In the industrial age,
        we go to school.In the information age,
        school can come to us.This is the message implicit in the media and movement of distance education.

Volume #2, Issue #3
Date:   February 1989
Editor: Jason Ohler.........Educational Technology Program Director
                                     University of Alaska Southeast
                                              11120 Glacier Highway
                                              Juneau, Alaska  99801
                                               Phone:  907-789-4417
                                        BITNET USERID: JFJBO@ALASKA
During 88-89 school yr:1190 West 12th,#9,Vancouver,BC V6H1L6 Canada
Phone:604-732-9452. My BITNET ID remains JFJBO@ALASKA
Technical Coordinator................................Paul J. Coffin
                                                          Box 34166
                                              Juneau, Alaska  99803
                                               Phone:  907-789-0654
                                        BITNET USERID: JXPJC@ALASKA
                     WELCOME TO THE ONLINE JOURNAL
     Please keep them brief, 4 screens (2 pages) maximum if its
     possible.  If you can, please indent one tab space on the left
     and keep the right margin at 70. I look forward to hearing from
This issue at a glance:
 ... ITEM ...  A Distance Education Plan Takes Shape in Oregon
  ... #1 ...     by Lynne Schrum,
    ......         LSCHRUM@oregon
    ......        By April Jones, JONESA@SSCvax.McMaster.CA
  ...    ...  THE FUGA-PROJECT, Denmark
 ... ITEM ...   By Joergen Lerche Nielsen
  ... #3 ...       PCOMJOLEN@DKARH02
  ...    ...  INTELENET UPDATE
 ... ITEM ...   excerpts from the paper PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORKS
  ... #4 ...      by Thomas Ho,TOMHO@PURCCVM, deliverd at CAUSE88
                          in Nashville, Tennessee
  ... #5 ...      Fulton (MED017@DJUKFA11) and Brian Hutton
    ......         (HUTTON@METRO.OZ.AU)
  ...    ...   ANNOUNCEMENTS,
  ... #6 ...       NEW DEVELOPMENTS
 ... ITEM ...    By Soren Berglund, Univ. of Umea, Sweden
  ... #7 ...       SBLUND@SEUMDC51
  ...    ...   DISTANCE EDitorial
 ... ITEM ...    The Implications of Distance Education
  ... #8 ...       By the editor
 ... ITEM ...    by the editor
  ... #9 ...
                     ...  .  ...      This
                    ...  . .  ...     Issue's
                     ...  .  ...      Contributions
 ... ITEM ...  A Distance Education Plan Takes Shape in Oregon
  ... #1 ...     by Lynne Schrum,
    ......         LSCHRUM@oregon
Three students in Looking Glass, Oregon, are unable to take a class in
Advanced Physics because there is no teacher available.  Nurses in
Fields will have to travel for many hours to attend a staff development
class to learn the newest in ultrasound techniques.  These and other
problems are encouraging the efforts that may make Oregon the next state
to adopt an integrated statewide telecommunications network.
The Ed-Net Committee, under the auspices of Governor Neil Goldschmidt,
has submitted a bill to the Oregon Legislature to fund just such a
system with an $8 million start-up price tag.  The system is designed to
strengthen the economic and educational infrastructure of the state.
They have a goal to be financially self sufficient within five years.
Oregon is a state with vast distances between small communities;
however, there is also a concentrated corridor linking the major
population centers, government offices, businesses and university
structure.  There has always been a lack of equitable access to career
advancement opportunities, information and data bases, and to
productivity support.  In addition, the educational system has been
unable to meet the needs of all the citizens.
The Ed-Net system would employ a mix of satellite, microwave, ITFS,
telephone, and cable TV to provide video, voice, and computer data
services to the entire state.  Portland would become the network hub
with a C Band satellite uplink capable of transmitting outbound video
signals to any community in the state. Microwave and compressed video
technologies would be used to initiate video programming from 20
communities in Oregon on a regular basis.
Ed-Net would provide 1300 satellite receive dishes to organizations that
become members.  These would include all levels of educational sites,
educational outreach centers, public and academic libraries, state and
county government agency sites, and health facilities.  High speed data
transmission would be used to facilitate access to catalogs and data-
bases around the state.
While an effort has been made to accommodate all participants, the
process has produced some dissent.  Charges have been made surrounding
the fact that the needs assessment process only addressed the
administrative and business concerns of educational organizations.
Oregon is a state that has traditionally underfunded its schools; cries
have been heard that the available money will go toward providing a few
students with select classes, at the expense of the vast majority of
students.  The Oregon Education Association has thus far withheld its
support, and has raised several issues of concern.
The 1989 Oregon Legislature is expected to vote by May on the Ed-Net
proposal. It appears that currently their is optimism in the Ed-Net
committee.  This may be a measure of the governor's strength, or
equally, the vote may reflect Oregon's general eagerness to lead the
nation in establishing a distance education model.  Regardless of the
outcome, the nation will be watching to see the political process
    ......        By April Jones, JONESA@SSCvax.McMaster.CA
This is a field-based demonstration project that explores the
technical and human resources needed to develop effective
electronic communication within an international network of
medical schools, and begins to assess the impact of the
technology on participants and their institutions.
  The project will equip Task Force members at medical schools in
  Canada, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria, Thailand and the United States
  with electronic conferencing and mail capabilities, and will
  provide direct access to bibliographic data bases for those who
  do not now have it.
It will facilitate the use of these technologies within the
institutions and will attempt to develop models for dissemination
to other schools within the Network.
The is being undertaken to support the Network's goals of
institution strengthening and faculty capacity-building; outcomes
will be looked at in human rather than technical terms.  Regular
interchange among Task Force members is expected to foster
collaboration on educational strategies and programs, sharing of
resources and materials, and joint writing projects.  Apart from
the direct needs of the Network, the project addresses the needs
of health professions education institutions to understand more
about the non-technical factors involving effective use of
electronic communication and state-of-the-art information
During the 1970's, a number of medical schools in various parts
of the world took the decision to educate physicians in a
substantially different fashion than was the norm at the time.
These institutions were dissatisfied with the process and the
outcome of medical education in their countries, and were
convinced that it was worthwhile experimenting with attempts to
educate physicians whose motivation, knowledge and skills would
be more attuned to the health needs of their communities.  This
group of institutions came together to form a "network" at a
meeting in JAMAICA in 1979.
Since these beginnings less than a decade ago, the Network has
grown to include thirty full and more than fifty associate member
institutions in forty-five countries; nine of them were added
within the past year.
The overall goal of the Network is to assist member institutions
in training health professionals (primarily physicians) who will
contribute optimally to the health needs of the people they
serve.  Its general objectives include:
1.   Strengthening of member institutions in the realization of
     community-oriented learning.
2.   Strengthening of faculty capacity within the institutions.
3.   Development of educational strategies appropriate to a
     community-oriented curriculum.
4.   Promoting population concepts in health professions
5.   Assisting institutions in countries where the political will
     for innovation exists, with the ultimate goal of improving
     health care and contributing to achievement of "Health for All".
The main activities of the Network are carried on in its member
institutions.  Key themes are operationalized in strategies for
community-based education, innovation in curriculum planning,
faculty and institutional development, and the establishment of
inter-sectoral linkages.  Inter-institutional collaboration on
these and other topics of importance to the Network is centered
in the Task Forces.
The Network's goal of institution strengthening is advanced
primarily through workshops and conferences at member
institutions.  In recent years, several of the workshops have
expanded into national and regional capacity-building efforts in
which the Network institution has assumed a key leadership role.
The Telecommunications Project will examine some of the technical
and human resources required to meet needs expressed by Network
members for communication and information technologies.  Since
many of the participants are in developing countries, it has the
potential to serve as a model for other organizations involved in
professional education and international health.
The project will address needs at three levels:
1.   The Network of Community-Oriented Educational Institutions
     for Health Sciences -
     (a)  Among member institutions, the need for more efficient
          and effective communication, especially around
          strategies for educational planning and evaluation
          Curriculum change in medical schools often takes 2-3
          years; and without timely response to requests for
          facilitation, change may be delayed or opportunities
          for change may be missed altogether.
     (b)  Within member institutions, the need for direct access
          to bibliographic data bases and other information
          sources.  While this is important for student
          education, it is considered by the deans to be critical
          for faculty and institutional growth.
2.   Health professions education -
     (a)  The need for increased understanding of the role of
          communication and information technologies in
          institutional change and leadership development.
     (b)  The need for models of successful adoption of these
          technologies, including factors that influence
          decisions about appropriateness and cost-effectiveness.
3.   International Health -
     (a)  The need for increased understanding of the human
          factors affecting collaboration through electronic
     (b)  The need, among organizations in the public sector, for
          greater experience with international communication
          technologies.  This is especially true in less
          developed countries, where flexibility and creativity
          are needed in adapting to local conditions.
The importance of understanding non-technical barriers to
effective use of electronic communication cannot be
overemphasized.  Many of the international projects that have
been implemented so far involve transfer of structured
information.  This project is distinctive in that it depends on
free-text exchange of ideas to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals
of institution strengthening and faculty capacity-building
through collaborative undertakings.
The long term goal of the project is strengthening of member
institutions through enhanced access to colleagues and
information sources.  The immediate aim is to determine the
resources needed for effective transfer and appropriate use of
communication technologies in medical schools in several
developing countries.  The experience gained should serve as an
in-depth needs assessment for the Network, and provide a model
for expansion of these capabilities within this, and other,
international groups.
The specific objectives are to:
o    demonstrate the feasibility of establishing electronic
     communication links (conferencing, mail, and document
     transfer) among members of an international network of
     medical schools.
o    determine and support training needs in developing country
     institutions, both for appropriate use of the technology and
     for effective communication through the medium.
o    support direct access to bibliographic data bases, and
     determine and support training needs for optimum
o    assess factors that enhance or impair more widespread use of
     communication and information technologies within
o    develop indicators for, and assess, changes in the
     institutions that result from introduction of these
o    based on experience gained through this project, and through
     detailed assessment of the needs of other members, develop a
     long range plan for electronic communication within the
Each site will be asked to summarize their progress at the time
of the Biennial Meeting in September of 1989, and to prepare a
final report and recommendations several months before the end of
the project period.
  ...    ...  THE FUGA-PROJECT, Denmark
 ... ITEM ...   By Joergen Lerche Nielsen
  ... #3 ...       PCOMJOLEN@DKARH02
FUGA is a pilot project exploring the potentialities of students'
use of computers as a tool in distance education courses for
adults offered by The Folkeuniversitet (The Danish University
Extension). Located in the Danish community of Vejle (close to
50,000 inhabitants), the project is a joint effort, initiated and
carried out by the Vejle local committee of The Danish University
Extension and VEJLE WIDEBAND. It is one of a series of projects
within the framework of VEJLE WIDEBAND, which sponsors and
coordinates a number of programs aimed at integrating new
information technologies in various daily life processes, with
the intention of strengthening the development of educational and
economic institutions in the Vejle area.
VEJLE WIDEBAND is one of a number of such local community
programs throughout Denmark which are being funded by the
national government in the period 1986-90 in an attempt to
discover the potentialities of the new information technologies
for improving the quality of local community life.
FUGA is particularly focused on investigating the potentialities
that the use of computers provide for fulfilling specific
educational intentions which The Danish University Extension has
in mind in renewing the form of its distance education courses.
These nature of these educational intentions can be understood as
the result of reflections over how the organization of current
programs can be improved to contribute to the attainment of its
overall aims, in the light of the needs of a changing society.
Since its founding in 1898, the basic idea of The Danish
University Extension has been to serve as a mediating link
between the sciences and the arts (as they are continuously under
development and renewal in the universities and other
institutions of higher learning) and society at large. To this
end, its activity - until recently - has primarily been directed
toward arranging lectures and courses at a high academic level
for the general public. Scholars from the universities have
provided the general public with the opportunity of becoming
informed about the findings and the methods of research and other
scholarly work.  These offerings are designed to make such
scholarly work understandable to mature and interested members of
the general public who - in contrast to the group to which
university studies are traditionally offered - can not be assumed
to have previous knowledge of the subject or field at any
predefined level. While these offerings do not give credit toward
an academic degree, the intention is that they can provide a real
competence or functionally usable knowledge of the subjects
offered. In certain cases the student can receive a certificate
documenting the nature and quality of his participation.
These lectures and courses are made available in the 5 university
cities. Local committees of The Danish University Extension also
provide such offerings in more than 140 other communities spread
throughout the land. It means that there are nearly one committee
for University Extension Courses in all towns with more than a
few thousands inhabitants.
In efforts during the 1970's and 1980's to renew its program and
reach new audiences, The Danish University Extension has
introduced distance education courses. These have the
characteristics usually associated with so called first
generation of distance education development: 15-20 weeks
duration (since 1982 there are also some extending over a whole
year); a specially prepared set of teaching materials; a detailed
study guide; possibility for telephone contact with the tutor;
two or more written papers; and 3 to 5 face-to-face seminars
(usually on a weekend) which are, however, not obligatory; in
some cases, an optional final written examination paper and the
issuance of a certificate describing the course content and the
evaluation of the final examination paper.
These distance education courses are designed for interested
people who for one reason or another have difficulty attending
the regularly scheduled classes of "near" courses at a particular
location. Even though the difficulty associated with geographical
distance is reduced in many cases by the traditional offerings in
the local communities where The Danish University Extension
committees have been established, there may be instances where
there are not enough people interested in a particular course in
any single area to warrant its being offered - but there may be a
sufficient number spread throughout the land to warrant offering
a distance course. In addition there are people who because of
their many and varied commitments and responsibilities are
hindered for practical, social and other reasons from making a
new commitment or taking on the extra responsibility to use
regular periods in their "free time" to come together with a
teacher to engage in the dialogue central to courses at a
scholarly level.  This includes people who have responsibilities
at home which tie them down, shifting work schedules, physical
handicaps, etc.
As a point of departure for the FUGA-project, The Danish
University Extension, and especially a group within the local
committee in Vejle, have formulated more specifically their
pedagogical or educational intentions for such distance education
courses. They interpret the overall aim of the Extension program
as serving as a mediating link between researchers and the
general public, in the sense not only of providing the public
with enlightenment but also of providing researchers with an
opportunity for becoming sensitive to the real problems which
people face in a changing society. Among the needs of a changing
society which they feel the Extension program should take into
account, they identify the following:
        1) due to the general technological development, an increase
     in the proportion of people with planning and supervisory
     functions in the occupational structure - people who are
     interested in educational offerings in which they can be
     actively involved in gaining theoretical insights that
     provide functionally usable knowledge (rather than courses
     which primarily entertain and satisfy curiosity);
     2) with the spread of the new information technologies as a
     tool in many areas of life - including scholarly work - the
     general need to develop the critical capacity to use these
     tools - for example in gaining access to, summarizing and
     analyzing information, and in communicating with others.
On the basis of such reflections, Carl V. Lauridsen has
formulated the following objectives for the pilot project: it
should be organized in such a way that it provides possibilities
1)   thorough going analysis of and individual concentration on
     the subject matter.
2)   contact with teachers, fellow students and teaching
     material, irrespective of geographical distance.
3)   studying subjects which few researchers and teachers are
     familiar with.
4)   studying (coming in contact with teachers, fellow students
     and teaching material) irrespective of the time of day.
5)   effective studying (learning?) irrespective of the teaching
     skills of the researcher involved.
6)   active participation by the students - the computer serves
     as a tool, not as a "teacher".
7)   course offerings for people with physical handicaps.
8)   course offerings that one can work with for example either
     at one's place of work, at home, or in a public center, such
     as the library.
To fulfill these objectives, two courses were carried through
during the calendar year of 1987, with a vacation break in the
summer: one in artificial intelligence and expert systems, (20
students); another in visual media and computer graphics, (30
students). A third, in communication strategies in English - a
course for advanced students, was cancelled in late summer, due to
difficulties with the technical facilities, to which this course
seemed to be particularly sensitive. The first two were repeated
in 1988, with 20 and 27 students respectively.
In 1989 FUGA plans to offer three courses,
1. Understanding, analyzing, producing mass media
2. Visual media - a restructured version of the course offered
   the previous two years.
3. Expert systems - PROLOG-programming.
Every student is, for a nominal monthly sum, provided with a
computer, a printer, a telephone modem and the software needed for
the subject matter as well as for communication.
A computer with a 20 Mb hard disk, a telephone modem and an
electronic mailbox is located in the home of the project
director, Carl V.- Lauridsen, vice-headmaster and senior master,
at Rkilde Gymnasium. It provides facilities for a conference
system, The Amus Base, which is an electronic Bulletin Board
The courses have been planned to start on a week-end, during
which the students receive their computer and brief instruction
in the use of software both as a tool in their study and in
communication through the electronic mail system. The instruction
is given by the teachers; and in the second year (1988), also by
tutors (who were students from the first year) who remained in
contact with about 5 students each to assist them with practical
technical problems.
Students work on assignments, both individually and collectively,
communicating with each other and the teacher through the
electronic mail system.. About once a month seminars are arranged
at Rkilde Gymnasium in Vejle, where the content of the course,
assignments and questions regarding the use of the computers are
dealt with.
The pedagogical vision of this pilot project is reflected in the
aesthetic qualities anticipated with the consummate performance
of the music form for which it is named - FUGA - the Danish word
for "fugue." The realities experienced in the carrying out of the
project - while still holding the promise of the ideal - have
been, especially in the first phases, characterized by qualities
of discordance to be expected in a performance in which the
players are still in the process of developing the skills
necessary to play their various instruments, including the skills
of tuning them in to the same pitch, and making their entrances
and exits in the flow of music, in a way which are sensitive to
developments of themes and counter-themes in relation to each
other and their accompanying harmonies and disharmonies.
Carl V. Lauridsen        FUGA
Jorgen Lerche Nielsen    Roskilde University Centre
Thomas W. Webb           Roskilde University Centre
  ...    ...  INTELENET UPDATE
 ... ITEM ...   excerpts from the paper PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE NETWORKS
  ... #4 ...      by Thomas Ho,TOMHO@PURCCVM, delivered at CAUSE88 in
    ......          Nashville, Tennessee
               the Indiana TELEcommunications NETwork case study
      Thomas I. M. Ho, Ph.D.                              Edward J. Tully
      Purdue University                                 GTE Telecom, Inc.
      West Lafayette                                     Colorado Springs
      Indiana                                                    Colorado
      317+494-9525                                           800+323-8812
      A public infrastructure network is a telecommunications network
      that provides basic communication services on which public, e.g.
      education and government, organizations depend for their survival.
      An infrastructure network is distinguished from any ordinary com-
      munications facility because it is both pervasive and comprehen-
      sive!  An infrastructure network provides the foundation upon which
      value-added (beyond merely transport and switching) information
      services can be exploited for competitive advantage or for service
      Since 1984, the state of Indiana has been working
      toward the fulfillment of INTELENET which is currently being cut-
      over to serve its customers in Indiana government and education.
      INTELENET is a fiber optic backbone network that serves 16 concen-
      tration sites in Indiana where customers will access the network
      for transport and switching of their video, voice, and data
      services and to obtain other value-added information services.
The Infrastructure Network Concept
A public infrastructure network is a telecommunications network that
provides basic communication services on which public, e.g. education
and government, organizations depend for their survival.  An
infrastructure network is distinguished from any ordinary
communications facility because it is both pervasive and comprehensive!
An infrastructure network provides the foundation upon which value-
added (beyond merely transport and switching) information services can
be exploited for competitive advantage or for service improvements.
INTELENET is the consolidation of virtually all of the communications
requirements of Indiana state government and education.  This
consolidation creates a critical mass, especially with the IHETS video,
that generates economies of scale.  This consolidation creates
bargaining power that can be leveraged to win cost-cutting concessions
from vendors.
INTELENET is also an integrated voice and data network.  It uses
digital switching as well as a digital transmission backbone that
efficiently manages voice and data traffic.
INTELENET is also a distinct video network that uses a separate digital
video switch as well as a separate digital transmission backbone.
Infrastructure Network Benefits
Infrastructure networks provide cost-effective access with stable
prices.  The critical mass of communications requirements fulfilled by
an infrastructure network will encourage its provider to offer a fixed
rate for all line costs for the life (at least 5 and up to 10 years) of
the contract negotiated by the network customer and its provider.
Conservatively, it is estimated that Indiana will save at least five
million dollars during its initial 5-year contract term.
Infrastructure networks lower the entry barriers, in terms of both
technology and price, for its users.  The comprehensiveness of the
network umbrella makes it unnecessary for individual users to bear the
burden of either network implementation or network management.  In
addition to lowering the cost of services, an infrastructure can often
also guarantee the capability to expand network capacity dramatically
at predetermined costs because the initial infrastructure enables the
provider to provide additional services at reasonable incremental cost
and because the provider is in a favorable position to remain the
provider of additional services.
Infrastructure networks focus attention on communications to help
organizations to realize the strategic role of communications in
serving customers or constituents and in delivering services.
Infrastructure Network Constituencies
In order to be sure that an infrastructure network is managed
efficiently as well as used fairly, it must be governed by a mechanism
created by its constituents.  For example, the INTELENET Commission was
created by Indiana statute IC 5-21.  Distinct from Indiana state
government, the Commission is a body corporate and politic with the
following responsibilities:
    1. Fiscal and administrative services including:
       a. Budgeting
       b. Contract administration
       c. End-user billing
    2. Telecommunications management
       a. Telecommunications planning
       b. User group interaction
    3. Communications consulting services.
At least, infrastructure networks provide basic transport and switching
services.  An infrastructure network is also the foundation upon which
value-added information services can be implemented.
Initially, INTELENET will provide the following services with improved
performance at lower cost:
    1. Telephone network for Indiana higher education (SUVON) and state
    2. Video transmission service for Indiana higher education (IHETS)
       teaching Indiana business, health care, and other audiences
    3. Private line circuits for various education and government
         computing networks.
INTELENET has the potential to do much more!  For example, its data
communication services could enable:
    1. Document exchange among Indiana's libraries
    2. Shared access to Indiana government and educational data bases
    3. Collaboration among pre-collegiate, collegiate, and corporate
Video services could be upgraded to two-way, rather than one-way
broadcast, capability to enable video conferencing among government and
educational personnel to reduce travel costs.  Even geographical
coverage could be expanded by providing gateways to national and
international networks!
At this time, INTELENET is still unfortunately unique!  What makes
INTELENET is comprehensive!  INTELENET serves an entire state.  While
other states have state-wide networks, no other state-wide network
offers the wide range of services offered by INTELENET:
    1. Broadcast video at DS-3 (45 Mbps) rates
    2. Data services at a wide range (from 1200 bps to 1.544 Mbps) of
    3. Voice service.
Other public service networks that may offer similarly broad services
do not cover an entire state.
The INTELENET Commission is special!  The Commission represents a
coalition of state government and education that works in Indiana.
IHETS creates the critical mass of communication bandwidth demand that
generates the economies of scale to be enjoyed by all of Indiana
government and education.  State government has created the Commission
to capitalize on this opportunity!
| Thomas I. M. Ho             | Professor of Computer Technology       |
| Purdue University           | Bitnet:  TOMHO @ PURCCVM               |
| KNOY 231                    | TOMHO%PURCCVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU   |
| WEST LAFAYETTE, IN  47907   | GTE:  (317) 494-9525 FAX: 317+494-9033 |
  ... #5 ...   Fulton (MED017@DJUKFA11) and Brian Hutton
    ......      (HUTTON@METRO.OZ.AU)
          Nuclear medicine is a diagnostic discipline which involves
        the use of short-lived radioactive tracers to study
        physiological processes in the living body. Although relatively
        young, nuclear medicine has established an important role for
        itself in medical diagnosis, as a complementary technique to
        the familiar x-ray or radiographic technique. Whereas radiology
        (and also the emerging magnetic resonance imaging) technique
        yield information about the internal structure of patient,
        nuclear medicine's strong point is its ability to provide
        information about function, for example the physiological
        viability of an organ.
        Today, nuclear medicine is in the computer age. Many of the
        nuclear medicine tests performed in hospitals in developed
        countries are only possible with computers to control the
        acquisition and processing of the data. A relatively limited
        variety of tests is possible without modern computers.
          Although computers have been regarded as a necessary and
        integral part of the equipment of nuclear medicine department's
        in developed countries, they have often been beyond the reach
        of departments in developing countries for reasons of (a) cost
        and (b) problems of infrastructure. This situation is gradually
        changing, as developing countries purchase new nuclear medicine
        imaging eequipment
        The imaging equipment used in nuclear medicine is called a
        gamma camera. It is essentially a large (approx. 40 cm
        diameter) scintillation detector which produces images of the
        radioactivity distribution within the patient. On its own, a
        gamma camera can only produce 'static' images of the
        radioactivity distribution at one particular time. However, if
        a computer is connected to the gamma camera, new possibilities
        emerge. For example sequences of images can be obtained which
        depict the changing radioactivity distribution with time.
        Mathematical methods can be applied to this data to calculate a
        host of parameters which characterize the viability of the
        organ under study.
          To an increasing extent, modern gamma cameras are being sold
        with integrated computer systems at little extra cost, whereas
        in former times the computer was an optional 'extra'. Hence
        developing countries are acquiring computers with significant
        capabilities (including the potential to access e-mail).
          The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently
        organized an international conference on the 'Applications of
        Computers in Dynamic Scintigraphic Studies in Developing
        Countries' in Vienna. The theme of the conference was ways in
        which developing countries, acquiring computer hardware for the
        first time for, could best make use of it. Delegates from many
        countries were present.
          In our paper, we suggested that it would help accelerate the
        establishment of state-of-the-art nuclear medicine in
        developing countries if electronic mail communication could be
        established between centres in developed and developing
        countries. For example a centre in a developed country might
        agree to support a centre with similar computer hardware and
        software. The form the electronic mail support would take could
        include questions and answers on both technical and medical
        topics, provision of software, remote diagnosis of software and
        hardware problems and so on. The possibilities are quite
          At present, our idea is only an idea. There are several
        questions to which we do not yet know the answer. Perhaps
        readers can help out here. We would be delighted to hear of
        others' experience. For example, is it feasible for someone in
        equatorial Africa to communicate with the US via e-mail ? Is
        the telephone service of sufficiently good quality to support
        modems? These questions are perhaps best investigated by an
        international agency like the IAEA. Unfortunately, the IAEA did
        not seem to pick up on our suggestion at the conference.
        Perhaps it seemed impractical. Perhaps it is - but we don't
        think so. We think electronic mail has a definite role to play
        in education of and the provision of information to (if there
        is any difference between the two) people who are
        geographically isolated from each other.
          Whether our idea ever comes into practice or not, we hope
        that it demonstrates another potential application of distance
        education, and the important role it can play. It is
        interesting to contemplate that the countries which can perhaps
        benefit most from electronic communication are currently least
        able to utilize it.
        Roger Fulton* (med017@djukfa11)
        Brian Hutton (hutton@metro.oz.au)
        Dept of Nuclear Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital,
        Sydney, Australia
        * (Currently on one year attachment to Institute of Medicine,
           Nuclear Research Centre, Juelich, West Germany).
  ...    ...   ANNOUNCEMENTS,
  ... #6 ...       NEW DEVELOPMENTS
Regents College, founded in 1970 by the Board of Regents of the Univ. of
the State of New York.  It is a non-traditional way to get an associates's or
baccalaureate degree.  Regents is strictly an assessment college with no
faculty of its own- all learning is carried out via distance ed. as
independent study, and/or as credit transferred from another
institution.  The Regents have conferred more than 36,000 degrees since
the inception of the college.  Degrees may be earned in 17 liberal arts
disciplines, as well as business, computer technology, nuclear
technology,electronic technology, and nursing.  I am an alumnus of
Regents College and hold both an Associate in Science and a Bachelor of
Science from Regents. There are currently in excess of 16,000 students
enrolled. In addition, Regents College is currently developing a data
base of distance education opportunities that utilize technology for
Could any kind person send me all information about EUN (Electronic
University Network)?
Thanks in advance.
Cicero Chen
Editor's Note: Please information to the Journal as well as Cicero Chen as I
think other readers would be interested.
    from cdp!csuca@labrea.stanford.edu
   We are working on a distance education project in distance
   education in Central America.
   At present most of our equipment is at various stages of the order and
delivery process.  It seems definite that we will receive the equipment for
establishing an electronic mail/conferencing link between the universities
some time before we receive the equipment for the audio, blackboard, etc.
   We have received requests from some of our member
universities for two courses which we believe could be taught by
E-mail.  The first is a course in library administration and the
second a course on the use of the data base package CDS/ISIS.  We
have found the personnel who could teach these courses, but the
use of E-mail as a delivery system will be an entirely new
experience for them.  Therefore, we would appreciate feedback
from individuals who have taught courses in similar fields about
the mechanics of teaching these kinds of courses, the pitfalls
encountered, and the success and failures experienced.
    Also, information concerning courses which seem to be
'tailor made' for delivery through an electronic mail system would
be much appreciated.
E-mail address: cdp!csuca@LABREA.STANFORD.EDU
Edgardo Richards
Irvin Boschmann
=> FYI ANNOUNCEMENT About Whittle Communications and Channel 1
>From Don Watkins, V076GZHB@UBVMS
I heard of a new program being broadcast via satellite.  It is called "Channel
1".  Whittle Communications of Nashville, Tennessee is the originator.  It is
a news-report by students to other students nationwide.  It is paid for by
advertising and is "controversial" because the children will be subject to
this advertising.  However, as part of this initiative I understand that any
school that agrees to air this program everyday in their school will be
eligible to receive a satellite dish, tuner, VCR, and monitor absolutely free.
Needless to say we are thoroughly excited about that possibility.
Have you heard of this initiative?  Here is a quotation from TV Guide about
   "High School and Junior High School students across the country may
   soon see a 12 minute news program-complete with commercials-beamed into
   "Channel 1" will be tested in a handful of school districts this March.
   If it is successful, the producers plan to bring the program to 8000
   schools starting in 1990. The producers, Whittle Communications, will
   provide satellite dishes, TV monitors, and VCR's to schools agreeing to
   present the program to their entire student body every day. The schools
   will be free to use the electronic equipment for other purposes  when it
   is not being used to broadcast the news show.  The cost will be borne
   entirely by advertisers, who will target their products specifically to
I would like any thoughts from subscribers to the On-line Journal
about this...Don Watkins
        English language news broadcasts from overseas,
        monitored via shortwave radio in South Bend, Indiana, are
        accessible in digest form to all interested parties through
        electronic mail.  The digest, JBH Online, is produced weekday
        mornings by John Harlan.  JBH Online is distributed free of
        charge to recipients at academic institutions nationally and
        internationally via BITNET.
        The British Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Moscow and
        Radio Nederland are the three services John monitors most
        regularly.  Others monitored less frequently include Radio
        Australia, Radio Beijing, Radio Canada, Radio Havana, Radio
        Prague, and Radio Tirana.  A number of factors, including
        atmospheric conditions and nearby electrical activity,
        influence which services can be monitored on any given day.
For more information, or to be added to the JBH Online
distribution list, contact Online@IrishMVS.
Editor's Note: What an incredible tool for history, civics, current affairs
teachers.  Should any of our readers use the JBH Online for instructional
purposes please let the Journal know.
 ... ITEM ...    By Soren Berglund, Univ. of Umea, Sweden
  ... #7 ...       SBLUND@SEUMDC51
        Computers in distance education - can they improve
        anything? Everybody talks about computers and their
        opportunities. What does computers mean for a
        distant student in a small village in northern Sweden?
        Lets compare the possible use of computers with some
        other, traditional ways to use educational techniques
        in distance education.
        The Computer as Typewriter
        The most popular application is word processing. The flex-
        ibility it offers in text preparation over typewriters leads
        to higher quality student papers, as students are allowed to con-
        centrate on what's in their papers rather than on the mechanics
        of text preparation. In the distance project at the university,
        the students will use the computer as a word processor in
        nearly every course module.
        The Computer as a Mailbox and Telephone
        The computer can not replace the telephone or the
        expressive lecture, but it is a valuable complement to
        the traditional ways of communicating. In
        distance education projects, we use electronic mail as
        a communication link between students and teachers. By
        using a central computer in Umea as a storage for
        electronic mail, everybody can reach each other.
        For example, a student can "email" a teacher to ask
        for guidance about a text that needs further
        explanation. Student questions are stored in the computer's
        memory until the teacher checks his or her "email."  Teacher
        replies are quick via the electronic mail system. The major
        advantages with this way of communicating are that those involved
        do not have to rely on special telephone schedules, they
        never receive a busy signal, and teachers can
        answer the questions when s/he has time for it.
        There are no time schedules- the electronic mail system is
        open 24 hours a day! You can also put the question and
        answers in a computer conference where all students
        in the course participate. A question directed to the
        teacher is visible to all students, as is the answer.
        This can be compared with a question and answer in the
        lecture room experience. Of course, conferencing also allows
        users to send non-group, private messages too.
        With the conference system, it is possible to "talk" to
        students at the same local study center by computer
        conferences only accessible for these students. It is also
        possible with the same method to arrange group work
        between students in different centers.
        The Computer as an Educational Resource
        The computer has brought a new dimension into
        education in a number of ways. The computer is very good
        at searching for things in data bases.  For example, industrial
        statistics for the region on ongoing research projects in
        different areas are available online from student study
        Another powerful way is to use the computer is as a
        simulator to conduct different experiments that can not
        be done in reality, because it would take too much time
        or cost too much money. For instance you, it is possible
        to simulate a company and its progress over time. How well a
        company does depends on the decisions made regarding production,
        research and development, marketing and so on. Simulating
        these aspects allows the student to the see the effects that
        different measures have on the company. To do this in reality
        in a simple way is not possible, and it would take too long time
        to do all calculations by hand.
        There are other applications to which the computer is
        well suited. For example, drill and practice in language
        learning can be effective. The computer asks the meaning of a word,
        the student answers, and the computer tells the student if s/he is
        right or wrong.  And there are a number of uses for application
        software like general ledgers, spread sheets and graphics.
        The list of different possibilities for using the computer in
        distance education can be very long. The computer is
        only one of several other tools and is not the best tool
        for all situations. The book is a better "monitor" than the
        computer and sometimes a video or a cassette is a
        better choice. Therefore, an important part of our work
        is to find the right tools for the distance student and
        the curriculum. The use of techniques must have a
        focus on quality iimprovement
        What Have We Done So Far?
        We have established communication to our local study
        centers through Datex-lines, a form of leased
        communication lines that are active only when they are in
        use. When there is no traffic on the line, it switches down.
        We use multiplexors on the 4800 bps lines with up to 8
        terminals at the same time, on the same statistical
        Mux. One multiplexed line always has a modem that
        can be dialed. This is used by the students to reduce
        their communication costs and by the university for
        maintenance. The students use the communication
        for electronic mail and other resources at the
        university, like data bases, library services, and special
        computer programs.
        We are developing computer programs for the
        institutes. Some examples: We have written a
        simulator for the institute of economic history. The
        program holds a data base with demographic data
        and the students can test hypothesis on the data base.
        We have made an authoring program in HyperCard
        for the Institute of French. The program uses
        geographical maps.
        A student group, learning communication
        methodology, is using portable computers for writing
        and communicating. Every student has a computer at
        home. We compare the group with another group in
        another center that do not have access to computers.
        As our project continues, we will keep the readership posted.
        In the meantime, all input is welcome.
From: Soren Berglund
        University of Umea
        Computer Science
        S-901 87 Umea
  ...    ... DISTANCE EDitorial
 ... ITEM ...  The Implications of Distance Education
  ... #8 ...     By the Editor
The shift from centralized to decentralized student body has profound
ramifications, affecting many of the principle variables of the
traditional education formula.  What follows is a brief look at some of
these variables and how they can be expected to change within the
distance education arena.
   STUDENT POPULATION BASE:  School becomes a circle of influence whose
center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.  The 'School
Without Walls' (known in electronic circles as 'the virtual school')
becomes a reality in larger than life terms.  Each student stands at
the center of his or her learning network, no matter where they are
physically located.
       The potential student body is immense.  'School' is limited
primarily by the level of interaction needed to maintain quality
delivery and the physical limitations of the transmission media,  such
as satellite footprints, cable routes, phone system, etc., most of
which are vast.  For example, electronic mail allows students and
teachers to exchange near-instantaneous computer communication using
the world-wide telephone network. On one electronic mail service called
BITNET, an MIT professor advertised a course in relativity physics.
Because BITNET is available in universities all over the U.S., and
because it is also plugged into a number of other national and
continent-wide networks around the world, the potential student body
includes North America, Europe, England, Australia, and portions of
Asia, Central and South America. One of the latest and most
comprehensive distance education institutions, The Commonwealth of
Learning, seeks to make all distance education resources among the
nations of the commonwealth accessible to all of its members. The
potential course offering from such an institution is staggering.
     FINANCING:  Tax base is no longer the determining factor regarding
what 'a school' can afford to offer.  Such large student audiences
reduce the service per individual cost dramatically.  For better or
worse, mass audiences will turn education into big business.  This
encourages the development of different flavors of mediated instruction
with specific foci.  We should expect more educational television
channels, videotext and video services with specific philosophies;
everything from christian fundamentalist programming with evolution-
free science courses to science course work developed by anti-
development environmentalists.  In a word, we should expect
'personalized' education.
     CONTROL: The amount of control students exert over their education
can be greatly increased.  The vastness of the educational networks are
balanced by the fact that technological teachers can be turned off at
any time.  The industrial age's counterpart, getting up and walking out
of a class, was virtually unheard of.  Where a student does not like a
particular teacher or learning dynamic, he or she can turn to a number
of electronic options to meet the same or similar needs.  Some school
boards would meet online.
     ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE:   As the industrial age heated up,
factory owners realized that they needed a work force capable of
inordinate amounts of 'sameness,' consisting of people who would show
up at work at the same time on the same days and perform the same tasks
in the same way, over and over.  Public education was created to meet
this need, training children in the spirit of this 'sameness.'  In
contrast, information age students will find themselves learning in
different environments at different times at different paces, all of
which conspires to promote individuality and undermine the power
structure upon which the industrial age was founded.
     THE MEDIA:  Behind the drive to mass produce education, is a
fascination with media that is evolving faster than our ability to
harness it or understand its moral implications.  Whether we survive as
a planet will be determined by whether we dominate our technology of
the other way around.
      In the past, regular education as well as correspondence study
have relied heavily on print.  But due to the overwhelming presence of
TV's, cassette players, VCRs and computers in the home, lessons can
arrive in a number ways.  Video and audio cassettes delivered by mail
are cheap and effective.  More elaborate and expensive but enriched by
visuals and/or interactivity are lessons delivered via cable TV,
satellite broadcast or audio conference.  Off hours communications
between teacher and student can be maintained by electronic mail, FAX
machines (allowing photocopying at a distance) and the phone system.
Laser disks, containing the equivalent of many encyclopedias of
information, can be parked inconspicuously in the the home and come
with interactive interfaces which step students through lessons,
branching for remediation when mistakes are made and advancing to the
next level of difficulty when the material is mastered.
     And, for better or worse, this is just the beginning.
 ... ITEM ...    by the editor
  ... #9 ...
                        AND COMMUNICATION ?
[What  follows  is an excerpt from the first issue of  the  Journal.
Feel free to send suggestions to the editor.]
This  first  issue  will be primarily concerned  with   the  Journal
itself.   Once  we provide an idea of the  Journal's   identity  and
direction,  we  hope you will contribute to  this  rapidly   growing
field of education and communication.
==========>  We want short contributions, 4 screens maximum.  Rather
than trying to compete with a paper-based magazine which does a much
better  job of presenting long articles, we want contributions  that
present   overview information.  Based upon information  gleaned  in
contributions,   readers   can  directly contact  the   author   for
more details.
===========> The issues that the Journal is concerned with fall into
four basic content areas:
   Content Area #1-  ***  Distance Education ***
     The  Journal  is  interested  in  distance  education  as   the
   organized   method  of  reaching   geographically   disadvantaged
   learners,  whether  K-12, post secondary, or  general  enrichment
   students.  Areas of interest include:
     *  delivery  technologies,
     *  pedagogy,
     *  cross  cultural issues implicit in wide  area   education
     *  distance education projects that you are involved with,
     *  announcements, workshops, or programs of study,
     *  anything  else  regarding the theory  and  practice  of
        distance education.
    Content Area #2-  ***  Distance Communications  ***
      The Journal recognizes that education encompasses a broad area
   of  experience  and  that distance  education  includes  distance
   communications  that fall outside the domain of formal  learning.
   The Journal welcomes contributions that deal with serving  people
   at  a distance who aren't necessarily associated with a  learning
   institution.    The  Journal  welcomes  information  about,   for
     * public  radio  and  television efforts  to  promote  cultural
     * governmental efforts to inform a distant public about  social
     * or  the  many training programs run by  private  business  to
       upgrade employee skills.
    Content Area #3-  ***  Telecommunications in Education  ***
      Once  the  distance  education infrastructure  is  solidly  in
    place,  local  learners will want to tap into it,  because  they
    simply  prefer  learning in a decentralized setting  or  because
    they  want to expand their learning opportunities and  resources
    beyond  those immediately available to them.   This  phenomenon,
    which  we call 'bringing distance education home,' will grow  in
    the  coming  years and we look forward to  hearing  from  people
    about  telecommunications in education, as a tool or  a  content
    Content Area #4-  *** Cross Cultural Communication Efforts  ***
           --> Particularly Between the US and the USSR <--
      The   Journal  is  interested  in  projects   concerned   with
    overcoming  cultural  barriers  through the  use  of  electronic
    communication.   The  Journal  particularly  looks  forward   to
    contributions concerning:
     * efforts to improve electronic communication between the USSR
       and the US
     * international electronic conferences
     * cultural domination through the inappropriate use of media
     * the use of telecommunications to promote understanding of the
       human condition
                        * * * * * * * * * *
To  subscribe  to  The  Online Journal  of  Distance  Education  and
Communication, send the following command to LISTSERV@UWAVM :
        SUB DISTED your_full_name
All contributions should be sent to JADIST@ALASKA
Any other questions about DISTED can be sent to: Jason B. Ohler, Editor
                                                 Paul J. Coffin
Disclaimer: The above were the opinions of the individual contributors and
            in no way reflect the views of the University of Alaska.
                       * * * * * * * * * ** *
***** End of the Online Journal of Distance Education & Communication *****

Patt Haring 