(Gary Perlman) (08/21/89)
Recently I posted information about the curriculum module on user interface development I wrote for the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie-Mellon University. I have just completed an update of the module. Most of the update consisted of citing additions to the bibliography, which now has close to 200 entries with tables of contents, abstracts, and annotations. I also added some material (a few exercises) to the section on teaching considerations. As mentioned in the previous posting, the module is available free of charge from the SEI. The update will not be available for several months as it goes through review. Coincidentally, I am working on an ACM committee: the SIGCHI (computer-human interaction) curriculum development group (CDG) We are working on a recommended curriculum for CHI, a field somewhat broader than user interface development. Part of my activities there include gathering teaching materials. You can read about the CDG activities in most recent issues of the SIGCHI Bulletin. If you teach CHI, HCI, user interface development, or whatever, I would like to receive from you materials that you are willing to share with others. You will receive acknowledgment for any materials that are used in either the supplementary materials for the SEI module or in the CDG report. Also, I will let donators have copies of the materials I gather, in advance of their publication or general dissemination. Some materials, because of the expense of reproduction, may not be available from me. I am particularly interested in getting the following sorts of materials, especially in an online form (plain text), but also high quality printed copies. Course Syllabi - including readings Exams - with answers if available Exercises - including solutions if available Class/Term Projects - Lecture Notes - printed master copies, ones with annotations I am willing to consider all sorts of materials, including video tapes and software, but any materials should be distributable. That is, you should be the copyright owner and you must be willing to allow the materials to be copied freely, with the possible restriction that it be for non-profit and/or educational use only. Send me (e)mail or phone me before you send a huge package. I don't want to have you send me materials that would not be useful to these projects. The SEI motto: "If you have found some materials useful, then others will too." My motto: "No teaching materials too small." Small is often better. -=- Gary Perlman Department of Computer and Information Science The Ohio State University 614-292-2566 2036 Neil Avenue Mall Columbus, OH 43210-1277