[comp.edu] Online Journal of Distance Educatio

gillies@p.cs.uiuc.edu (12/27/89)

Why is someone posting this "Online Journal of Distance Education" to
comp.edu?  It was my understanding that this notesfile is about the
education of computer scientists, NOT the uses of computers in
education.  In this light, these (lengthy) postings are irrelevent.

Shouldn't these go to 
1. A private mailing list
2. comp.misc
3. sci.edu (that covers a broader range of education topcs)
4. comp.edu.digests (a new group).

The online journal doesn't belong here.

ted@tahoe.unr.edu (Ted Sarbin) (01/02/90)

In article <82400060@p.cs.uiuc.edu> gillies@p.cs.uiuc.edu writes:
>Why is someone posting this "Online Journal of Distance Education" to
>comp.edu?  ...

	I don't know about others but I find the "Online Journal..."
both interesting and useful.  I don't know if this is the correct
newsgroup but this journal is worth posting and propagating through
the net.  Those who don't want to read it can always use the "K" key.