(Ray Kujawski) (02/06/90)
Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering Cornell National Supercomputer Facility Introductory and Advanced Supercomputing Workshops Orientation and Introduction March 19 - 20, 1990 Vector and Parallel Processing March 21 - 23, 1990 ******************************************************** * Special focus: Sparse Matrix Computations * * * * Presentations by:Tom Coleman, Cornell University * * John Gilbert, Xerox Corporation * * John Lewis, Boeing Computer Services* * Steve Nash, George Mason University * * Alex Pothen, University of Wisconsin* ******************************************************** The Cornell National Supercomputer Facility will hold two workshops on March 19-20 and 21-23, 1990, at Cornell University. The CNSF features two IBM 3090-600E supercomputers. Each has six vector facilities and provides one gigabyte of virtual memory per user application. The first workshop will provide a general orientation to these facilities, including the use of large memory, FORTRAN program development tools, and an overview of visualization. These two days will be of special benefit to new users. The second workshop will cover vectorization techniques and an introd- uction to parallel processing. Participants will learn how to use Parallel FORTRAN and parallel programming tools. ************************************************************************ *Orientation & Introduction || Vector and Parallel Processing * ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * March 19 | March 20 || March 21 | March 22 | March 23 * ************************************************************************ *Introduction |FORTRAN ||Introduction |Introduction |Parallel * *to VM/CMS |Program ||to |to Parallel |Programming * * |Development ||Vectorization|Processing |Tools * * |Tools || | | * ************************************************************************ *Getting |Intro to ||Assembler & |Using |System * *Started at |Visualiza- ||Memory Man- |Parallel |Resources * *the CNSF |tion and ||agement for |FORTRAN |and Overhead * * |Animation ||Vectorization| | * ************************************************************************ *Tom Coleman |John Gilbert ||John Lewis |Steve Nash |Alex Pothe * *Sparse Matrix|Sparse Matrix||Sparse Matrix|Sparse Matrix|Sparse Matrix* *Computations |Computations ||Computations |Computations |Computations * ************************************************************************ Participants may register for the Orientation and Introduction workshop (for users new to the CNSF March 19-20), Vector and Parallel Processing Workshop (March 21-23), or both sections. The special lecture series lecturers are confirmed; the schedule may vary. These lectures are free and open to the Cornell community. * Special focus: Sparse Matrix Computations Special lectures, one each day, will include presentations on topics in sparse matrix computations by leading experts in the field. The talks will cover both direct and indirect methods and will emphasize parallel and other high-performance considerations in algorithms for sparse computations. The planned speakers for this series are: Tom Coleman, Computer Science, Cornell University John Gilbert, Xerox Corporation John Lewis, Boeing Computer Services Steve Nash, Operations Research and Applied Statistics, George Mason University Alex Pothen, Computer Science, University of Wisconsin at Madison Topics for the talks include graph theory and combinatoric ideas for good sparse computations; high-performance issues for sparse computa- tions; parallel methods for least squares; parallel Gaussian elimination; and parallel block conjugate gradient methods. * Accommodations The following accommodations are within walking distance of the CNSF Training Facility and many restaurants and shops. Attendees are responsible for their own reservations, and for meals except lunches. Paid parking is available one block from the Training Facility. Commercial airport limousine service is also available. *Collegetown Motor Lodge: 1 block from the CNSF 312 College Avenue Ithaca, NY, 14850 607-273-3542 $59-$61 per night Blocks of rooms have been reserved for this workshop. Please mention this when making your reservation. *Peregrine House: Bed and Breakfast, two blocks from the CNSF 140 College Avenue Ithaca, NY, 14850 607-272-0919 $62-72 per night including breakfast. * To Apply Due to restricted space, registration for this workshop is limited. Preference will be given to those users who have already received an allocation at the CNSF. To apply, please return the completed registration form along with the appropriate registration fee (checks payable to Cornell University) by February 12, 1990. This fee includes all workshop materials and lunches. Local users can provide a Cornell University account number that can be charged. While the CNSF User's Guide is available online, hardcopy may be purchased for $40. The guide is not necessary for the workshop, but is strongly recommended for use at the home institution. Send registration form, fee, and User's Guide request to: Donna Smith, Workshop Coordinator, Cornell National Supercomputer Facility, Campus Road and Central Avenue, Ithaca, New York 14853-8301, (607) 255-3985. Applicants should receive notification by February 19. Supercomputing Workshops, March 19-20 and 21-23, 1990 Registration Form Name________________________________________________________________ Institution_________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Telephone___________________________________________________________ Electronic Address__________________________________________________ Social Security Number____________________________ (requested to set up new supercomputer userids) Academic Discipline_________________________________________________ CNSF userid_________________________________________________________ CNSF account________________________________________________________ Principal Investigator______________________________________________ Status (check one): _Undergraduate Student _Graduate Student _Faculty _Research Staff _Other Staff _Other (explain)_______________________________ Check all that apply: _I am a Smart Node Consultant or Adviser _I am a corporate user Workshop Registration Fees: ************************************************************************ * |Orientation and|Vector and |Both |Users|Totals * * |Introduction |Parallel Processing|Workshops|Guide| * ************************************************************************ *Corporate | $400 | $600 | $1000 | |$_____ * *Other | $ 30 | $ 45 | $ 75 | |$_____ * *CNSF User's Guide (optional) | |$ 40 |$_____ * ************************************************************************ *TOTAL $_________ (payable to Cornell University) Please return this form by February 12, 1990 to: Donna Smith Conference Coordinator Cornell National Supercomputer Facility Campus Road and Central Avenue Ithaca, NY 14853-8301 (607) 255-9862 or send on-line to -- Ray Kujawski Technical Consultant Cornell National Supercomputer Facility