[comp.edu] advice for social implications course

slimick@unix.cis.pitt.edu (John C Slimick) (07/06/90)

This fall I am offering a course 
"Social Implications of Computers" for the
first time. The text will be  a collection of
articles in "Computers in Society" pub. by
Annual Editions. The articles are for the most part from
the popular and semi-technical press, e.g.:
"The Myth of the Post-Industrial Economy"
"Science and the American Experiment"
"Prepare for E-Mail Attack"
"Employee Performance Monitoring...or Meddling?"
"A Hard Day's Work in the Electronic Cottage"
and so on.

I am interested in how others have done this course.
My current thinking is that I absolutely must
not allow this course to degenerate into a 100% lecture.
My intentions are to run the course as a seminar with
a one page paper assigned for each reading and each student
must be the seminar leader for at least one reading.

Will this work? Other ideas? Does it help to have industry
types come in and talk about effects of automation, etc.?

Please email to
		slimick@unix.cis.pitt.edu    or

john slimick
university of pittsburgh at bradford
bradford pa
(the part of Pitt nearest the north pole)