[comp.edu] VisiCLANG distribution

reslerd@ul.ie (Dan Resler) (09/13/90)

VisiCLANG (cf. SIGPLAN Notices V25, #8, August '90) has been mailed to 
comp.binaries.ibm.pc and should be posted Real Soon Now. Although students 
have been hammering on it for some time here, we're still considering this 
a beta-test release and would appreciate any problems reported back to us 
as soon as possible.

If for some reason you cannot retrieve it in the above mentioned manner,
contact us at the address below and we'll arrange to post it to you. For
mail orders we're charging US$15 to cover postage/handling/media.

Feel free to contact us via email should you have any queries.

Dan Resler

Dept. of Electronics & Computer Engineering,
University of Limerick, 

voice: 061-333644 x2173
FAX  : 061-330316

Dan Resler

University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland
email: reslerd@ul.ie