[comp.edu] Seeking reviewers for knowledge based systems text

morgan@unix.SRI.COM (Morgan Kaufmann) (10/13/90)

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers is developing a major new book on knowledge 
based systems for publication in late 1991 or 1992.  In order to make 
this book as useful as possible we would like reactions to its content, 
organization and approach from academic and industrial professionals 
in the knowledge based systems community.  We will need a range of
help from informal surveys to continued involvement on successive
drafts of the manuscript.

We are interested in hearing from: 

   1) Professors teaching undergrad or grad courses on expert/knowledge
   based systems or general AI courses with a strong KBS approach who could
   participate by reviewing manuscript, class testing, or other activities.

   2) Knowledge based/expert systems industrial professionals who could
   critique the manuscript from the perspective of the professional 
   knowledge system builder.

If you are interested please send mail to morgan@unix.sri.com and let
us know whether you are teaching courses in the area or are building
systems in industry.  We will then send you more information on the book
along with a questionnaire regarding your areas of expertise and the 
amount of involvement you would like to have.

Michael B. Morgan
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers