[comp.edu] First Year CS Curriculum

alubiw@water.waterloo.edu (Anna Lubiw) (10/11/90)

At the University of Waterloo we have for a number of years been teaching
a first year computer science course which matches fairly well the curriculum
suggested in the 1989 CACM report "Computing as a Discipline", by Denning
et. al.  In an nutshell they recommend that "the introductory course
contain a rigorous, challenging survey of the whole discipline."

We are having several problems with this course.  We would be interested in 
comparing notes with anyone who has a successful program going.  
Some specific questions are:

1. Are there any text books suitable for such a first year course?

2. Is there an update of the ACM curriculm '78?  The SIGCSE conference
   in January 1990 had some discussion of this, but nothing appears in 
   the proceedings.  Is there something available in written form?

Anna Lubiw
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Waterloo

slimick@unix.cis.pitt.edu (John C Slimick) (10/15/90)

We have been using the text "Programming Principles"
for our Intro to CS course for the last four years or so.
While not a complete survey, we do manage to cover the following:

	Breakout diagrams (like Warnier diagrams)
	Flow charts
	Nassi-Schneidermann diagrams
	decision tables
	data flow diagrams
	binary, hex, octal
	assembly language (quick word on architecture)
	formal languages
	BNF and railroad tracks
	lots and lots of problem solving

	and, of course, Pascal

Some years we manage to include state machines as well; in the
book (but never covered) are contour models and loop invariants

This book now exists in a Modula edition; publisher is WCB.

Another possibility is "Computer Science: an Overview" by 
J. Glenn Brookshear (Benjamin Cummings). It really covers the
field at an introductory level, and could be used in a first
course where the students have all had substantial computer
exposure previously (which ours haven't). In a first course
it would probably require a parallel effort in Pascal.

(one possible play for the hometown crowd: John Motil is a 
Canadian, exiled to Southern California)
john slimick
university of pittsburgh at bradford
bradford pa