(H. Conrad Cunningham) (10/16/90)
During the spring semester of 1991 I will be teaching a course dealing with (sequential, imperative) program specification, derivation, and correctness verification. My current textbook candidates include: Gries' _The Science of Programming_ (Springer-Verlag, 1981) Dijkstra & Feijen's _A Method of Programming_ (Addison-Wesley, 1988) Dromey's _Program Derivation: The Development of Programs from Specifications_ (Addison-Wesley, 1989) Gumb's _Programming Logics_ (Wiley, 1989) I request suggestions/comments from others on these or other appropriate books--especially people who have had experience with such a course (as the instructor or a student.) The audience for my course includes both seniors and graduate students. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Conrad Cunningham | Title: Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer & Info. Science | Telephone: (601) 232-5358 Fax: 232-7010 The University of Mississippi | Internet: 302 Weir Hall |-------------------------------------------- University, MS 38677 U.S.A. | Home: Rt. 1, Box 81, Oxford, MS 38655 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------