[comp.edu] Internet Wide Programming Contest

ola@duke.cs.duke.edu (Owen L. Astrachan) (10/17/90)

                         A N N O U N C I N G

                     The First Internet-wide

                P R O G R A M M I N G   C O N T E S T

On the evening of Tuesday, October 23, the Duke chapter of the
Association for Computing Machinery will sponsor a programming contest,
similar in style to the ACM programming contests, but taking place over
the internet.  The contest involves teams of programmers solving a set
of problems with a single computer. The team that solves the most
problems in the allotted time wins the contest (according to the usual
ACM programming contest rules).

We want to encourage everyone to participate.  This is just for fun
(i.e., there are no prizes).

Key information about our contest:

o  Tuesday, October 23, 1990, from 7 PM to 10 PM Eastern Time (you
   will probably need to be ready a half-hour ahead of time).

o  All teams will work at their own school, and submit solutions and
   clarification requests to the judges at Duke via email.

o  Preregistration is necessary for any interested SCHOOL; individual
   teams at each school may register at the start of the contest.

o  Schools should preregister by sending mail to dfk@cs.duke.edu
   BEFORE Friday October 19. There should be a single contact person
   at each school, who can install our software (csh-scripts) and
   coordinate local teams.

o  You may use any Unix machine with either cc or gcc. We will run on
   Suns with SunOS 4.1.

o  Maximum four people per team, and only one keyboard/display per team.

o  Three divisions for scoring purposes: 
   1. undergraduates only
   2. current ACM rules:
          - at least two undergrads
          - only 1st- or 2nd-year grad students
   3. open (anything goes). 

o  Three to six problems.

o  Honesty of all participants is assumed.

o  Specific rules and logistics will be sent to the official 
   contact person for each school.

David Kotz      dfk@cs.duke.edu
Owen Astrachan  ola@cs.duke.edu
Vick Khera      khera@cs.duke.edu