[comp.edu] Information about new book on parallel processing and VLSI

morgan@unix.SRI.COM (Morgan Kaufmann) (10/22/90)

VLSI and Parallel Computation
     Edited by Robert Suaya (SRI International) and Graham
Birtwistle (University of Calgary) With: Chuck Seitz, Ernst Mayr,
Bill Dally, Yaser Abu-Mustafa, Dick Lyon, and Bryan Ackland

1990, 471 pages, ISBN 0-934613-99-0  $35.95
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, CA 

This book deals with issues from the world of highly parallel
systems containing hundreds of thousands of processors.  Very Large
Scale Integration (VLSI) and concurrency, using a large set of
processors, provide an opportunity to surpass the limits of vector
supercomputers and address some fundamental problems in computer
science.  Examples of this need are found in areas such as vision
and speech research, VLSI design verification, 3-D animation in
graphics, and automated reasoning.  The chapters in this book
explore the great potential for this approach in these and other

Encompassing theoretical models, VLSI design, routing and machine
implementations, topics include an introduction to concurrency and
message-passing computers, PRAMS, fixed interconnection networks,
parallel algorithms, scheduling, resource management, efficient
communication, analog computation, neural networks, and CAD VLSI
For bibliographic purposes, the complete contents are listed below. 
Requests for further information, examination copies for potential
course use, and orders may be directed to the publisher through the
information which follows this posting.

Chapter 1  Charles Seitz (Cal Tech)
     Concurrent Computation and Programming
          1.1  Introduction to Concurrency 
          1.2  Multicomputers
          1.3  Concurrent Programming 
          1.4  Application Programming

Chapter 2  Ernst Mayr (Stanford University)
     Theoretical Aspects of Parallel Computation
          2.1  Introduction
          2.2  Fundamental Parallel Algorithms
          2.3  The Dynamic Tree Expression Problem
          2.4  NP-Complete Algorithms
          2.5  Parallel Approximation Algorithms

Chapter 3 William Dally (MIT)
     Heavily Wired Bits of VLSI
          3.1  Wire-Efficient Communication Networks for
          3.2  Analysis of Multicomputer Communication Networks
          3.3  Design of Communication Controllers 
          3.4  Message-Driven Processor 

Chapter 4 Lennart Johnsson (Yale, Thinking Machines)
     Optimal Communication in Distributed and Shared Memory Models
     on Network Architectures
          4.1  Introduction
          4.2  Communication Requirements in Scientific
          4.3  The Value of Locality in Computation
          4.4  Networks
          4.5  Boolean Cubes
          4.6  Communication Primitives on Boolean Cubes
          4.7  Lattices
          4.8  Butterfly Network Emulation
          4.9  Tree Embeddings
          4.10 Pyramid Embeddings
          4.11 Permutations
          4.12 Emulation with Wafer Scale Integration
          4.13 Shared Memory

Chapter 5 Yaser Abu-Mostafa & David Schweitzer (both of Cal Tech)
     Neural Networks
          5.1  Networks and Neurons
          5.2  Feedback Networks
          5.3  Choosing the Stable States
          5.4  Feedforward Networks
          5.5  Back Error Propagation
          5.6  Collective Computation   
          5.7  Nearest Neighbor Search
          5.8  Traveling Salesman Problem
          5.9  Limitations

Chapter 6 Richard Lyon (Apple Computer)
     VLSI and Machines that Hear
          6.1  VLSI Complexity and Area Cost
          6.2  RAMs and Circuits
          6.3  Analog Parallel Computation in Hearing

Chapter 7 Bryan Ackland (A T & T)
     Knowledge Based VLSI Design Synthesis
          7.1  Synaps--Objectives and Techniques
          7.2  Cadre--Custom Layout Synthesis
          7.3  Future Directions

For Information and orders:

VLSI and Parallel Computation
Edited by Robert Suaya and Graham Birtwistle

1990, 471 pages, ISBN 0-934613-99-0  $35.95
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Mateo, CA 

     Please add $3.50 for the first book and $2.50 for each
     additional for surface shipping to the U.S. and Canada; $6.50
     for the first book and $3.50 for each additional for shipping
     to all other areas.  California residents:  Please add sales
     tax appropriate to your county

     Master Card, Visa and personal checks drawn on US banks

     Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
     Department 56
     2929 Campus Drive, Suite 260
     San Mateo, CA 94403
     Phone: (415) 578-9928  (800) 745-READ
     Fax: (415) 578-0672
     email: morgan@unix.sri.com