[comp.edu] First transpacific online class

ggast@peg.UUCP (10/26/90)

               \  v  /
                \ v /
            __     __    _          Centre for global electronic
          /   '  /   '  /           Communication and
         /__,   /__,   /__,         Learning
                / ^ \               Research and Consultation
               /  ^  \
    Dr.Gert W. Gast                  Telephone +61 +66 856903
    Director                         Fax       +61 +66 857445
    95   Bangalow  Rd       Email:   ggast@peg.pegasus.oz   [UUCP]
    BYRON BAY NSW 2481               cdp!peg!ggast@labrea
    The  Centre  for  global  electronic  Communication  and  Learning 
    is  happy  to announce the first  online  transpacific  electronic 
    classroom.  The course, Freshman English composition , is  offered 
    as complete online class, using Email and electronic  conferencing 
    facilities  provided by Pegasus / IGC Networks , and  supplemented 
    with  printed  material  and educational  computer  software.  The 
    excellent cooperation between Cerritos College and the CCL  allows 
    us  to present this course not only for the US and  Australia  but 
    world-wide.  For  further information please contact  the  CCL  or 
    directly Cerritos Community College.
                                CERRITOS COLLEGE
                         A CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
                               11110 Alondra Blvd.
                               Norwalk, Ca. 90650
                             OFFERS ON-LINE COURSES
                   (Anywhere in the World - on Your Computer)
                        ENGLISH 1 (English Composition)
   *Cerritos is an "Accredited" College
   *Courses meet requirements for transfer the University of
    California and California State University Institutions.
   *Cost is $312 per 3 Semester Credit course.
   *DiskTexts and all other necessary materials are provided.
   *More courses are being planned and will be offered soon.
   Electronic Addresses: CompuServe 70721,3557; or JAEGER@CERRITOS.EDU
                         or GJAEGER@CDP.UUCP;     ggast@peg.pegasus.oz                                   or igc:gjaeger
   The Electronic Classroom (An electronic bulletin board)
              Or you may use your computer and modem to call The Electronic
              Classroom ([213] 860-8655; Settings: 2400\N\8\1) from any
              where in the world at any time of the day or night to leave
              a message for the sysop (systems operator).
   **Preliminary enrollment steps:
     *Submit a written sample of your writing of approximately five hundred

      words expressing your opinion on any social, artistic, or political
      subject you wish; you may write about books, poetry, plays, films, etc.
     *Format:  double spaced; left margin 10; right margin 75;
     *Include at the top left of your electronic paper, your name, your
      mailing address (can be electronic, such as CompuServe, etc.);
     *This sample must be submitted by no later than MIDNIGHT, DECEMBER 1,
      199O, for consideration for assessment and placement in freshman
      composition, for the spring, 1991 semester;
     *Send your writing sample by any Email system you wish to any of the
      addresses shown above;
         *You  may also request to upload your file to The  Electronic 
    Classroom at
      [213] 860-8655. Logon, leave a brief message to the  Sysop saying you
      wish to upload your file;
     *Wait twenty-four hours and your security level will be raised
      so that you may call back and send in your writing sample to the BBS;
   Or for further information, you may write to:
   Dr. Fran Newman, Vice President of Student Services
   Cerritos  College
   11110 Alondra Blvd.,
   Norwalk, Ca. 90651
   Voice: [213] 860-2451