dcheng@nas.nasa.gov (Doreen Y. Cheng) (03/28/91)
Parallel Tools Researcher/Designer/Developer This position REQUIRES US citizenship or US permanent residency. Please do not respond if you are not a US citizen or US permanent resident. Computer Sciences Corporation is a contractor to the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation (NAS) Division of NASA Ames Research Center. NASA Ames is located at Moffett Field, California, between San Francisco and San Jose. NAS is a world class computing center devoted to computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This professional is expected to make significant contributions to creating a parallel programming software environment which will promote CFD research on parallel architectures. In particular, the professional will acquire, evaluate, and upgrade existing parallel programming tools as well as participate in the definition, design, and development of an interactive workstation-based parallel tools environment. Success of this position requires the ability to work with complex software and the world's most advanced computers, especially new parallel computer architectures. This professional will work closely with both CFD scientists and computer scientists. An MS or PhD in an area of parallel computing is required. Knowledge in the following areas is a strong advantage: compiler technology, parallel programming tools, operating systems, computer architecture, database design, symbolic processing, numerical analysis, GUI, CFD, CASE technology and C++. Proficiency in both C and Fortran is required. Technical excellence and the ability to work in a team with minimum supervision are also essential. Experience in project planning is also desirable. Please send response to: Dr. Doreen Y. Cheng NASA Ames Research Center MS 258-6 Moffett Field, CA 94035 (415) 604-4361 dcheng@orville.nas.nasa.gov