[comp.edu] ASEET Symposium

dumphres@afit.af.mil (David A. Umphress) (04/25/91)

Just a reminder:

	                         CALL FOR PAPERS
	                      11-13 September 1991
	The Ada Software Engineering Education and Training (ASEET) Team,
	under  the  auspices  of the Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO) will
	sponsor the Sixth Annual ASEET Symposium at the Institute for De-
	fense  Analyses  in  Alexandria, VA on 11-13 September 1991.  The
	theme of this year's symposium is: 

           ADA  AS  AN  EDUCATIONAL  TOOL: The Time is Now.
	The Team is interested in receiving papers in areas such as:
	     o Lessons learned in teaching Ada
	     o Software engineering and Ada decoupled
	     o Ada as a teaching tool
	     o Software engineering at the undergraduate level
	     o Novel uses of Ada
	     o Novel ways to teach Ada
	Authors are invited to prepare an extended abstract  (2-4  pages)
	and  submit  six copies to the Program Chair by 1 May 1991 (elec-
	tronic  versions  are  acceptable).    Authors  will be contacted 
        regarding acceptance of papers by  31 May 1991.   Accepted papers 
	must be submitted in camera ready form to the Program Chair by 12 
	August 1991.   Proceedings will  be published  and distributed at 
	the symposium.
	Papers must be original  and  of  high  quality.   All  submitted
	abstracts  will  be  anonymously refereed for their significance,
	clarity and originality.  Submission of an abstract is considered
	evidence that the author has obtained clearance from his organiza-
	tion for publication, that the author (if selected) will  prepare
	a  full paper and present it at the symposium, and that the paper
	will not be presented at any other symposium.
	Submit abstracts to:
	     Ms. Catherine W. McDonald
	     Institute for Defense Analyses
	     1801 N. Beauregard Street
	     Alexandria, VA 22311-1772
	     e-mail:  mcdonald@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu