[comp.edu] Intro computer science for non-majors

ola@duke.cs.duke.edu (Owen L. Astrachan) (05/06/91)

I am interested in information from post-secondary institutions that
offer a course for non-majors or a course that both majors and
non-majors take.

Of particular interest are courses that are "computer science survey"
courses i.e., that go beyond programming and the use of software
packages.  Such courses might, for example, use one of the following
books (listed alphabetically by author):

Biermann,                Great Ideas in Computer Science
Brookshear,              Computer Science: An Overview
Harel,                   Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing
Decker and Hirshfield,   The Analytical Engine
Schaffer,                Principles of Computer Science

Of course I would like to hear about other books and all courses, but
NOT courses designed explicitly for potential majors unless such courses
go beyond the traditional CS1 Intro Programming curriculum.

For example, if both majors and non-majors first take a course using
Abelson and Sussman's _Structure and Interpretation of Computer
Programs_, which covers a broad spectrum of computer science topics,
then please include such a course if you see it as fitting the theme of
this survey.

I will summarize the results and post them to this group as well as
emailing them to all respondants.  Please use the form below (although
you may embellish this form as you see fit.)



Owen L. Astrachan               INTERNET: ola@cs.duke.edu
Dept.of Computer Science        Phone (919) 660-6529
Duke University                 FAX (919) 660-6519
Durham NC 27706


Institution (college/university):

Intended Audience (majors/non-major/both):

Students in course/year (approx):


Lab component (yes/no/duration):

Programming (yes/no/language):

Programming Environment (machine/os/lang):

email address (optional):
