[comp.edu] the importance of teaching vs. research

reslerd@ul.ie (05/17/91)

In the October 15th, 1990, issue of _U.S. News & World Report_ there was an
article titled "A Return to Teaching?" that strongly suggests that the 
importance of good teaching is becoming more important in U.S. universities
and that in the past people have (wrongly) only recognized and rewarded good 
research. Was this article referring to isolated incidents or is there really 
a trend in this direction? If it is a trend, how is it affecting the granting 
of tenure? Comments and the relating of any personal experiences would be
greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Dan Resler

Dept. of Electronics & Computer Engineering,
University of Limerick, 

voice: 061-333644 x2173
FAX  : 061-330316