[net.unix-wizards] vax/unix to vax/vms

oft@mtgzi.UUCP (o.a.faco) (05/28/85)

Hi smart peoples,

Is there any way I can create a tape on a vax11/780 running UNIX*
that can be read into a vax11/780 running VMS?  What the UNIX tape needs is
to have a FILES-11 label put on it, but I can't figure out how to do this.
Anyone want to pick up this challenge?


* UNIX is a trademark of Bell Labs (as if you didn't know anyway)

dan@rna.UUCP (Dan Ts'o) (05/29/85)

In article <> oft@mtgzi.UUCP (o.a.faco) writes:
>Is there any way I can create a tape on a vax11/780 running UNIX*
>that can be read into a vax11/780 running VMS?  What the UNIX tape needs is
>to have a FILES-11 label put on it, but I can't figure out how to do this.
>Anyone want to pick up this challenge?

	I have a program vmstape which can read and write VMS tapes under
UNIX. Unfortunately I believe it uses 4.xBSD magtape ioctl()'s so I don't
know how easily it can be ported to other UNIX's. But if you don't mind a
4.2BSD version of vmstape, I can send it to you.
	The program started out at Harvard.

					Dan Ts'o
					Dept. Neurobiology
					Rockefeller Univ.
					1230 York Ave.
					NY, NY 10021

jensen@decwrl.UUCP (Paul Jensen) (05/29/85)

I can think of 3 ways to do this, listed more or less in increasing
order of difficulty:

	o   install DEC/Shell on your VMS system.  This product provides
	    a Bourne Shell environment under VMS, and includes all the
	    common utilities, including tar.

	o   use dd to output your file to tape as fixed-length records
	    (assuming your data is text) and some reasonable length.
	    On the VMS side, $MOUNT/FOREIGN the tape and use the
	    $CONVERT/FDL utility to deblock the tape.  This is
	    messy but I have done it sucessfully in the past.

	o   write or acquire a unix-based utility that writes ANSI
	    labelled tapes.  I have heard that there are a couple of
	    programs like this floating around.  Be forwarned, however,
	    that the ANSI standard has loopholes & there is no guarantee
	    that one machine can read what another writes.

					--- Paul Jensen
					    Digital Equipment Corporation

horton@harvard.ARPA (Nike Horton) (05/31/85)

>	The program started out at Harvard.

The updated version of the program Dan mentioned is available from
Harvard.  It was considerably revised for 4.2 by Glen Dudek and Steve
Kaufer.  Several bugs and enhancements were made at this time.

Nicholas Horton	    	    System Manager
Cambridge, MA               Aiken Computation Lab
UUCP:  decvax!genrad!wjh12!horton   

stern@bnl.UUCP (eric) (05/31/85)

> Is there any way I can create a tape on a vax11/780 running UNIX*
> that can be read into a vax11/780 running VMS?  What the UNIX tape needs is
> to have a FILES-11 label put on it, but I can't figure out how to do this.
> Anyone want to pick up this challenge?

I don't know where this myth started that tapes need to
be labeled to be read by VMS, but I will say so again:

	A tape written with the raw magtape interface is
directly readable on VMS if it is mounted as an unlabeled (foreign)
tape.  Each write(2) writes one block on the tape.  Each block on
a tape corresponds to one record.  A record is the entity
that is read with a FORTRAN READ statement for instance.
In addition, the COPY command transfers each tape block to
a disk file record, so the tape can be trivially copied to
disk and operated on from there.  Any program that can read
the tape, will behave identically when using the disk file.

When mounting the tape, the BLOCKSIZE specifier gives the maximum
number of bytes written in any one block.
If you do not use the raw magtape interface, then each block
on the tape will be 512 or 1024 bytes long depending on which
system you run.


Now to answer the original question:  There are several people
around who have ANSI tape labelers that run on UNIX.  Other
useful things:  I have a tar that runs on VMS.  Ascii text
transfers fine, binary files require care.

					Eric Stern

pritch@osu-eddie.UUCP (Norman Pritchett) (06/01/85)

> Is there any way I can create a tape on a vax11/780 running UNIX*
> that can be read into a vax11/780 running VMS?  What the UNIX tape needs is
> to have a FILES-11 label put on it, but I can't figure out how to do this.
> Anyone want to pick up this challenge?
> Olga

Files-11 label??? I wasn't quite aware that Files-11 format was meant for
tapes.  The VAX/VMS I've come to love and adore (:-)) uses ANSI-labeled
tapes.  Reportedly, the ansitar utility works fine for transfering stuff
from Unix to VMS although I've never tried it myself.  If you don't have
ansitar perhaps somebody out there in Unixland can accommodate this person?

Norm Pritchett
UUCP:   cbosgd!osu-eddie!pritch
CSNET:  pritch@ohio-state
MA-NET: (614) 291-8775

david@ukma.UUCP (David Herron, NPR Lover) (06/02/85)

~In article <> oft@mtgzi.UUCP (o.a.faco) writes:
~>Is there any way I can create a tape on a vax11/780 running UNIX*
~>that can be read into a vax11/780 running VMS?  What the UNIX tape needs is
~>to have a FILES-11 label put on it, but I can't figure out how to do this.
~>Anyone want to pick up this challenge?
Yet Another Way To Do This (YAWTDT).

FILES-11 tapes are merely ANSI standard tapes.

I posted a program called "trw" a couple of weeks ago to net.sources
which would read and write ansi standard tapes.  (Also IBM labeled tapes)

trw will take care of you fine.

(Only problem is that I think the girls who wrote it used the 4.2BSD
magtape ioctl's, however, it isn't extremely hard to convert)
--- David Herron
--- ARPA-> ukma!david@ANL-MCS.ARPA or ukma!david<@ANL-MCS> 
---	   or david%ukma.uucp@anl-mcs.arpa
---        Or even anlams!ukma!david@ucbvax.arpa
--- UUCP-> {ucbvax,unmvax,boulder,oddjob}!anlams!ukma!david
---        {ihnp4,decvax,ucbvax}!cbosgd!ukma!david

	"It's *Super*User* to the rescue!"

wcs@ho95b.UUCP (Bill Stewart) (06/05/85)

While ANSI-labelled tapes may be nice, I've found that the only
"machine-independent" tape format is EBCDIC non-labeled lrecl=80
blocksize=(whatever, but known and <4096).  Almost everything can read these,
because they *have to*, and most systems can write them.

notes@ucf-cs.UUCP (06/07/85)

>Hi smart peoples,
>Is there any way I can create a tape on a vax11/780 running UNIX*
>that can be read into a vax11/780 running VMS?  What the UNIX tape needs is
>to have a FILES-11 label put on it, but I can't figure out how to do this.
>Anyone want to pick up this challenge?
>* UNIX is a trademark of Bell Labs (as if you didn't know anyway)

The "vmstp" program created by Dave Philips and modified by Mike Mitchell
does this job well.  Running under 4.2bsd Unix, it reads and writes 
Files-11 tapes.  I am not sure whether it would work with other flavors
of Unix, but I'd be glad to send a copy in any case.

				Ben Goldfarb
				University of Central Florida
				uucp: {decvax,akgua,duke}!ucf-cs!goldfarb
				ARPA: goldfarb.ucf-cs@csnet.relay.CSNET
				csnet: goldfarb@ucf.CSNET