[comp.dcom.lans] DEMPR/Ethernet info wanted

tcb@myrias.UUCP (Ted Bentley) (07/08/87)

             DEMPR/Ethernet Information Wanted

     I am working up  a  design  for  an  Ethernet  to  link
several  Sun workstations, a couple of Vaxen and a Pyramid .
DEC offers a product called a DEMPR that connects  to  thick
Ethernet  by  a  transceiver  and gives eight connection for
thin Ethernet cables out the other side.  This seems like an
ideal way to economically link lots of workstations via Eth-

     The question is:  Does anyone in netland  have  experi-
ence  with  this  device?  How well does it work?  Are there
cautions that should be observed when designing one of these
into an Ethernet? Is there something else that does the same
thing that I should consider?

     If you have information on these questions, please mail
it  to  me.   I will post a summary of mail responses that I
receive to the net.  Thankyou.

                              Ted Bentley