[comp.dcom.lans] looking for low cost data hardware for SUBSPLIT Broad Band

steveg@ritcsh.UUCP (in stereo where available) (06/02/88)

After getting more specific information from the Gods above.  I have
found that our Broad Band proposed application will be using a SUBSPLIT.

The reason for the SUBSPLIT is that RIT does not wish to use converter
boxes in the application for the TV part of the cable.  So only 12
stations will be available on the cable feed, 2-6 and 7-13.  Because of
this the SUBSPLIT is the only way we can go.

This would leave us with 5-30 MHz for the reverse channel and to play it
safe we could use 250-450 MHz for data in the forward channel.

Thankyou very much for all the input on various broad band data devices
being used.  Most users that responed are using the Sytec[sp?] hardware.

I do not have any specs for Sytec hardware at this time.  Our local sales
person is getting me some specs.

I was wondering if anyone knows if the Sytec can support reverse channel
in the 5-30 MHz range.

I am looking for low cost ASYNC up to 19,200 service over a SUBSPLIT
broad band system using 5-30 MHz reverse and 250-450 MHz forward.

   ___      ___     ___   Steve Good       ...uunet!ccicpg!cci632!ritcsh!steveg
|@/o o\@| @/- -\@ @/o o\@ Network Administrator         BITNET%"SNGDCO@RITVAXD"
| \ o / |  / o \   \/-\/  Rochester Institute of Technology       (716)475-2702
 \ --- /  | --- |  /---\  "I hear nothing, I see nothing, I say nothing" Shultz

ron@topaz.rutgers.edu (Ron Natalie) (06/05/88)

We've used Sytek, I'm not overly thrilled, but it seems to work
for small implementations.  University of Maryland had a more complex
system.  We don't do much direct Async on the Broadband, mostly Ethernet
bridging where we have used Applitek and Chipcom devices.  Unfortunately
all of my experience is for MIDSPLIT.  With a SUBSPLIT system your choices
are much more limitted.

You might point out to your campus that you don't need a converter for
MIDSPLIT systems.  Nearly every TV set made in recent history is "cable
ready" and has no problem recieving the other channels.  Of course going
out and replacing every amplifier on your system is going to be a bit
of expense.


By the way, my files have sytek as:

SYTEK:  Mountain View, CA  (415) 966-7400
	NJ Sales Office: 935-6400
	Judy Ciorciaro
	will call back.