mrm@sceard.UUCP (M.R.Murphy) (08/22/88)
In article <> (Howard C. Berkowitz) writes: > >I wanted to follow up my previous posting with some philosophical >comments, quite personal, on the role of standards in data >communications. [Very reasonable (in my opinion) comments deleted] A standard, optimal or non-optimal, is most useful, as long as said standard doesn't preclude the attainment of the goal the standard is supposed to make easier to reach. When the standard restricts or makes attainment difficult or impossible, toss the standard (Third Law of Pragmatism). If a country disconnects a circuit when a non-standard protocol is in use, it is everyone's loss. If it is beneficial to the country to have the information that is passed as a result of the connection, then I hope that enlightened self-interest (Some Other Law of Pragmatism) will prevail. >-- > OR {uunet, decuac, sun!sundc, hadron, hqda-ai}!cos!howard >(703) 883-2812 [W] (703) 998-5017 [H] >DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Corporation >for Open Systems, its members, or any standards body. -- Mike Murphy Sceard Systems, Inc. 544 South Pacific St. San Marcos, CA 92069 ARPA: sceard!mrm@nosc.MIL BITNET: MURPHY@UCLACH UUCP: ucsd!sceard!mrm INTERNET: