[comp.dcom.lans] NIU compatibility

smith@umbc3.UMBC.EDU (Fred Smith) (04/06/89)

I have a question I would like to post for some information.
We are possibly headed for some trouble in the very near future.
We are about to implement TCP/IP here on our campus.  The problem
comes from the fact that there was no direction when it came time
to buy the NIU's for the workstations.
We are considering Clarkson's version of NCSA, simply due to the
fact that we need TN 3270. The spec's on this version say that
there are drivers available for 3Com 3C501's, but not the 3C503.
Are drivers for this card available? If not will they be available
Also some departments on campus have bought Univation NIU's.  Is
a special driver needed for this card, or does it look like a 3Com
or Western Digital card?
Thanks in advance for any information.

Frederick W. Smith                      |   University of Md. At Balto.
                                        |   610 W. Lombard St. Rm. 210 
smith@umbc3.umbc.edu                    |   Balto. Md. 21201   1-301-328-6143