[comp.dcom.lans] Banyan BNS to CNS Server Upgrades

srjohns@cup.portal.com (Steven R Johnson) (04/12/89)

Does anyone out on the net have any experience with Banyan's BNS to CNS 
upgrades?  We are thinking about upgrading several of our servers 
because of the continuing growth of our network.

Specifically, we are interested in net performance after the upgrade, 
reliability of server after upgrade, and downtime required for the

I would appreciate any comments that you might have.

Please e-mail any responses.  If you would be willing to talk about
your experiences, please e-mail your phone number and I will call.

Thanks in advance,

Steven R. Johnson                       srjohns@cup.portal.com
Sr. LAN Consultant
FBS Information Services, Corp          612-291-6278
332 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN  55101

Member First Bank System, Inc.