(Michael Wohlgemuth) (11/23/89)
A couple of days ago I asked for help installing packet drivers on some Zenith PC's. The problem was caused by the packet driver that I was using. I got the driver from, in a file named packet.arc. The WD8003E.COM from this file was 3725K and had a date of 7-31-89 2:33pm. I have since ftp'd the file called drivers.arc. The from drivers.arc is 3165K and has a date of 6-09-89 10:51am. This driver works fine. My next question is, what is the difference between the two? Does anyone know? Thanks-- Mike (Russ Nelson) (11/23/89)
My next question is, what is the difference between the two? The answer to your question is in the README file. It's in the archive you called packet.arc, which is probably really called alpha.arc. Alpha test software is software that is largely untested. If you are unable to find the problems yourself and/or unwilling to report them to the proper authorities, you probably shouldn't be using alpha test software. -- --russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet |]) Live up to the light thou hast, and more will be granted thee. A recession now appears more than 2 years away -- John D. Mathon, 4 Oct 1989. I think killing is value-neutral in and of itself. -- Gary Strand, 8 Nov 1989. Liberals run this country, by and large. -- Clayton Cramer, 20 Nov 1989.