raja@frith.egr.msu.edu (02/02/90)
I got the following request for info from a friend in India. Any help would be deeply appreciated. Please *EMAIL* my friend at: murthy%betaal%shakti.uucp@uunet.uu.net [This is I.I.T., Bombay] I would be very grateful if you could also *EMAIL* me a copy at: raja%frith.egr.msu.edu@uunet.uu.net Thanks in advance! Narayan Sriranga Raja. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Query on the Intel Pclink2/iNA960 environment: ---Begin Background: We have been using Intel's PCLINK2 ethernet cards in our campus LAN consisting of one Intel 320 System and several PC/XT/ATs. The 320 system (file server) and the PCs are connected in OpenNet environment -- an interworking of MSNET on PCs and XenixNet on file server (running Intel Xenix 3.5). We have Intel's iNA960 ( Rel. 3.0 on DOS end and Rel. 2.0 on 320 end) transport s/w running on both sides giving the virtual circuit communication services to session layer services: viz. NETBIOS on DOS and Intel's proprietory session on the System 320. The PClink2 card is an intelligent card based on 80186/82586 and has firmware that facilitates running any communication software loaded onto the card by the host. It currently supports upto OSI Transport. Our Goal: Provide OSI Transport Services for PC/AT running SCO Xenix and demonstrate interworking between MSDOS and Xenix System. We have taken two approaches : 1. Load the PClink2 iNA software onto the card and develop drivers under Xenix to access transport/External Datalink (EDL) layers. 2. Port a stack of OSI software we bought from Retix Inc. to the card and develop suitable interfaces for the applications on the host (be it DOS/Xenix). First, I shall discuss the progress made on both these lines and highlight the problems encountered later. Progress: .... On 1 We have disassembled the Netbios.exe to study how Int 5Bh ( through which DOS applications access Transport/EDL on card) accesses these services on card. The aim was to simulate Int 5Bh behaviour on Xenix. Although we got an idea of the host-card interface through command block interface, frankly the disassembled code was too cryptic to comprehend anything. So we gave a pause hoping Intel guys wd give us some info on the interface. .... On 2 The situation is much better on the second approach. Initially, we had to develop several utilities to start off. One utility to convert absolute code generated by the translators (viz., CC86, LINK86 and LOC86 available under DOS-based development system) to a format compatible with .mem files to be loaded onto the card. Another utility to load a program onto the card and give a go. Simple trace of the code running on the card; a mechanism to display debug messages from the card onto the screen. We have developed datalink driver and linked with the Retix's Class I LLC and tested the LLC interface to the host. It worked fine. Encouraged by this we had linked network code with the LLC. Unfortunately, the work had not progressed much in this direction because we started getting strange problems while the program is running on the card. The program used to hang at arbitrary locations without a consistent behaviour; you put a debug message at one place and the program hangs altogether different place. Essentially, we lacked the interactive debugging tools for the card environment. We have tried I2ICE with 186 probe but it had always problems while loading and moreover, it had no symbolic support for C language that we wanted. Information needed: To summarize, we need comments on aforementioned approach we had taken. We also need the following information which I feel is the bottleneck in the development process: 1. How to access the iNA960 software on PCLINK2 card directly -- how to format the command block, where to write, etc. (without having to use Int 5Bh the intel provided Request Block interface). 2. Info on Symbolic debugging support under I2ICE environment under MSDOS. What are the latest versions of the Intel utilities: viz., CC86, LINK86 and LOC86 ? ---End ---Murthy (Ph.D. student, Indian Inst. of Tech., Bombay, INDIA)