[comp.dcom.lans] LAN like connection of QNX and Concurrent DOS

eberhard@tweedledee.uucp (Eberhard Bodenschatz) (02/16/90)

Hi folks, I have the problem of connecting a network of QNX machines
with a At running concurrent dos. Data has to be transferred between 
one of the QNX AT's and the CDOS AT. The data transfer should be faster
than 38000 baud. 

Does anybody have an idea what hardware I should use?    

Is it a reasonable idea to run both systems under a dos 
emulator and than starting some LAN?

Any ideas are greately appreciated?

Many thanks, Eberhard

gardner@kodak.UUCP (Dick Gardner) (02/21/90)

In article <3961@hub.UUCP> eberhard@tweedledee.ucsb.edu (Eberhard Bodenschatz) writes:
>Hi folks, I have the problem of connecting a network of QNX machines
>with a At running concurrent dos. Data has to be transferred between 
>one of the QNX AT's and the CDOS AT. The data transfer should be faster
>than 38000 baud. 
I sent you a response via E-mail.  It had a very long path.  If it doesn't
arrive in a day or two, get in touch with me, and I will find another way
to communicate.

   Dick Gardner -- Eastman Kodak Co.  Rochester, New York  14652-4201
                   Phone: (716) 477-1002
                   UUCP: rutgers!rochester!kodak!gardner
		   Net:  gardner@kodak.com

gd@geovision.uucp (Gord Deinstadt) (02/22/90)

In article <3961@hub.UUCP> eberhard@tweedledee.ucsb.edu (Eberhard Bodenschatz) writes:
>Hi folks, I have the problem of connecting a network of QNX machines
>with a At running concurrent dos. Data has to be transferred between 
>one of the QNX AT's and the CDOS AT. The data transfer should be faster
>than 38000 baud. 

You can get a library of routines that talk to the QNX LAN from a
machine running DOS with an Arcnet card inserted.  I don't know if
these routines would run under CDOS, but probably they could be

The supplier is:
    ist engineering ag
    CH-5001 Aarau (Switzerland)
or you can log into quics (the QNX BBS) and send mail to "makauf".
quics is at (613) 591-0934.
Gord Deinstadt  gdeinstadt@geovision.UUCP