chet@arc.UUCP (Chet Wood) (03/28/90)
We've got a bunch of suns here for the developers, and we're planning to get a few macs for the office people. I figure the easiest way to network the macs is to get an ethernet card for each mac. I have several questions that those who have been there can probably help with. 1. I know the macs can talk both appletalk and tcp-ip over the ethernet. Can they do both at the same time? 2. When I buy an ethernet card, does the right system software come with it? For both appletalk and tcp-ip? 3. I've heard NFS is available for the mac. Is it from apple or how does one get it? Can the mac be client, server, or both? How is security handled? 4. Email. This is important. What mail package is available on the mac that can talk to the suns. Are there any that speak SMTP? Thanks a lot for any info. -- Chet Wood ~ (408)727-3357 arc!chet@apple.COM . Advansoft Research Corporation chet@arc.UUCP . 4301 Great America Parkway apple!arc!chet . Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
CHRIS@NUACC.ACNS.NWU.EDU (Christopher Krohn) (03/29/90)
In article <CHET.90Mar27173810@sarc.arc.UUCP> chet@arc.UUCP (Chet Wood) writes: > 4. Email. This is important. What mail package is available on the mac > that can talk to the suns. Are there any that speak SMTP? StarNine Technologies in Berkeley, CA markets an SMTP gateway for QuickMail. The product is called Mail*Link, and is available from StarNine at (415) 548-0391. They may also make a gateway for other e-Mail packages, but I don't have info. about these (if they exist). Christopher Krohn Academic Computing & Network Services Northwestern University