[comp.dcom.lans] Looking for EIA/TIA Stds document

xxseub@csduts1 (Steven Eubanks) (04/12/90)

	I'm not sure this is the appropriate place, but:

	I'm trying to locate the most recent version of the Commercial
	Building Wiring Standards published by the Electronic Industries 
	and/or Telecommunications Industry Associations (TR-41.8.1).  
	Could anyone suggest who to contact to obtain this information, 
	and/or whether it could be obtained across the Internet?  Thanks!

Steven W. Eubanks,  EDS/LIMS			NASA Lewis Research Center
Internet:xxseub@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov		21000 Brookpark Rd. 
(216)433-8498					Cleveland, OH  44135