[comp.dcom.lans] T extentions on thin ethernet

morrison@thucydides.cs.uiuc.edu (06/14/90)


Adding 'extentions' to the T connector is something that many people
ask about.   It is a bad idea, unfortuately, people try it and it 
works, so they leave it.   Ethernet is a pretty robust spec, so you
can do all sorts of 'bad' things (like exceeding length limitations
and adding T's etc), and it can take it (up to a point), but you
should realize that you are pushing your luck, and if you keep doing
it sooner or later your luck will give out.

Why are T extentions bad?

An ethernet should be thought of as a 'light pipe'.  That is the
electrical signals travel up and down that cable at the speed of
light.  Just like light, when it hits the end of the cable it is
reflected back, and when it hits a T connector, some is reflected
back, some goes down each branch of the T connector.   Now normally
we don't have to worry about the ends because the termination 
resistor is chosen so that all the signal is absorbed.  Thus we
only have to worry about reflections at the T connectors.

   (1.0) -->	    

Now when a signal hits a T connector, 2/3 of the signal goes
down each branch, and -1/3 gets reflected back to the source.
Now one of these branches is the rest of the ethernet, and one
is connected to the computer.  The Voltage at any point is simply
the sum of all the signals that have passed that way.  Notice
since the voltage at the T can have only one value, it had better
be the same regardless of which branch we compute it on.  If
we compute it on the incomming branch it is 1 - 1/3 = 2/3 which
checks since that is the voltage along each of the outgoing branches

   (1.0) -->	    
   <-- (-1/3) 	  (2/3) ->
               | 2/3
	       |  |
	       |  v

Now let us assume there is a host on one end of the T.  Now this
host looks like an OPEN circuit.    Open circuts reflect back all
the signal so a small time latter the signal looks like 

   (1.0) -->	    
   <-- (-1/3) 	  (2/3) ->
               | 2/3 ^
	       |  |  |
	       |  v 2/3

Now this reflected signal hits the T and is reflected, 2/3, 2/3, -1/3
so it looks like this

   (1.0) -->	    
   <-- (-1/3) 	  (2/3) ->
   <-- (4/9)      (4/9) ->
               | 2/3 ^ -2/9
	       |  |  |   |
	       |  v 2/3  v

And after another reflection and another trip through the T it looks like.

   (1.0) -->	    
   <-- (-1/3) 	  (2/3) ->
   <-- (4/9)      (4/9) ->
   <-- (-4/27)    (-4/27) ->
               | 2/3 ^ -2/9  ^  2/27
	       |  |  |   |   |   |
	       |  v 2/3  v -2/9  v

Thus the voltage at the host after a 'long time' will be

	2/3 + 2/3 + -2/9 + -2/9 ... = 4/3(1 - 1/3 + 1/9 ...) = 1

and the signal continuing down the line after a 'long time' will be

	2/3 + 4/9 - 4/27 ... = 2/3 + 4/9(1 - 1/3 + 1/9 ...) = 1

Which is exactly what we would expect, after a 'long time' the
open circuit has no effect on the signal traveling down the cable.

Now normally it only takes about 5 or 6 reflections for the voltage
to stablilize, and if the distance from the T to the host is small,
then it can be thought of as being instantaneous.  However if the
distance from the T to the host is say 1 Meter, light will take
about 6 ns to travel from the T to the host, and thus about 30-40ns
to stablilze.  Now the bit time for ethernet is 100ns.  With a
1 meter extention, it takes about 1/3 that to stablize, so it will
probably work, but the signal will be noticably degraded.

Also note that this effect is cumulative.  If another host down
the line has a 1 Meter T, it will take the degraded signal and
degrade it further.  

Thus an ethernet can probably only tolerate at MOST about 5 meters 
of cumulative T length before the signal is degraded to the point
where it becomes intolerable.   

Note that this can cause real headaches later on because of the
distributed nature of networks.  One person adds a short T extention
and now some hosts can't communicate relyably to others, but since
you didn't know about this other person adding the T extention
it takes you a week of debugging to figure it out.  

Thus the moral of the story is 'don't do it' and if you MUST, make
them as SHORT as possible, and keep a clear log of all such spec
violations, so that if you have problems, you know where to look
