[comp.dcom.lans] CALL FOR DISCUSSION: comp.protocols.iso.migration

kwang@infmx.UUCP (Kwang Sung) (06/15/90)


	I would like to apologize for my previous incorrect procedures
to create a new newsgroup. I didn't know how to do it. Please discuss at

	I would like to propose sincerely to create a new newsgroup 
"comp.protocols.iso.migration".  Here is the purpose on creation:

	Since there are many companies who are interested in migration/
transition to OSI without having Internet connection currently, I proposed 
such a newsgroup on USENET. I hope we also can have close relationships with
already existing groups such as X3S3.3 (the ANSI group for network and
transport layers), IETF-OSI, etc.

	This new newsgroup will discuss any technical or non-technical
issues on any protocols/strategies even besides TCP/IP which might be 
helpful to migrate/transit to OSI world. For example, we might be able to
discuss many deficiencies on our U.S. GOSIP.

	As I've mentioned earlier, I am sure this newsgroup will resolve
our networking future, and will give us a right direction to OSI. 

	So, could you discuss more about a new newsgroup "comp.protocols
.iso.migration" so that we can create it in the near future ??

	Thank you for your help !!

					Kwang Sung
					Informix Software, Inc.
					4100 Bohannon Dr.
					Menlo Park, CA 94025
					415 / 926 - 6758 (O)
					UUCP: ...!uunet!infmx!kwang

Disclaimer: Those opinions are mine alone, not my employers'.