[comp.dcom.lans] Inquiry: Interfacing NCSA Telnet to a Banyan Vines PC network driver

T8321AB@DM0LRZ01.BITNET (07/04/90)

  Hello netlanders,

  maybe someone is able to help me:

  We currently use the NCSA Telnet 2.2D with the Clarkson Packet Driver
  for the WD 8003 Ethernet card to connect our PCs to the mainframes in
  the university computer center (CDC Cybers and VAX). It worked very well.

  Now I am introducing a Banyan Vines PC network. (We got Vines version 3.1.)
  Using this network I am unable to use the Clarcson Packet driver with the
  Banyan driver. (Having both drivers loaded slows Banyan down to the speed
  of a serial connection. Telnet does not work at all when the Banyan Driver
  is loaded.)

  Is there any way in directly interfacing the Telnet to the Banyan Driver ?

  I know that there is a driver from FTP Software Inc. that allows to use
  the FTP Inc. TCP/IP package together with Banyan.

  Up to now I did not yet get the FTP package that interfaces to the Banyan
  driver, but I was not successful in using the FTP Inc. driver/kernel
  (Version 2.x) for the WD board with the NCSA Telnet program
  (hardware=packet). I even tried the Telnet version 2.3b5 01/24/90.
  (By the way, when will the final release be available ?)

  Is anybody able to give me some advice or the name and address of somebody
  who uses a Banyan Vines Network and NCSA Telnet ?

  I do not have read access to news, so please mail hints, comments etc.
  direcct to me. My address T8321AB@DM0LRZ01@BITNET

  Thank You in advance

  Stefan M"uller

 : Stefan M"uller                              : Phone : 49-89-2105-3381     :
 : Technische Universit"at M"unchen            : FAX   : 49-89-2105-3365     :
 : Institut f"ur Hochfrequenztechnik           :                             :
 : Arcisstra"se 21                             : E-Mail:                     :
 : D-8000 Munich 2                             :   T8321AB@DM0LRZ01.BITNET   :
 : Germany (West)                              :                             :