[comp.dcom.lans] HPPI

ravi@vicom.com (Ravi Manghirmalani) (07/06/90)

	I am currently researching the usability of HPPI (High-Performance
Parallel Interface) for high speed local area networks. The only reference
I have found, so far is "Overcoming Network Bottlenecks - Wayne Hathaway",
UNIX Review Vol. 8, No. 4 (April 1990).

	I am interested in knowing about any available hardware/software
products as well as any ongoing research/development work for HPPI concerning
networking, disk-controllers, protocols, as well as their relationship to
traditional networking, etc.

	Any leads would be greatly appreciated.

					(415) 498-3377

larry@pdn.paradyne.com (Larry Swift) (07/07/90)

In article <1990Jul5.193612.11296@vicom.com> ravi@vicom.com (Ravi Manghirmalani) writes:
>	I am interested in knowing about any available hardware/software
>products as well as any ongoing research/development work for HPPI concerning
>networking, disk-controllers, protocols, as well as their relationship to
>traditional networking, etc.

Ravi, how about posting the results of your request.  I'd be interested
to know.

Larry Swift                     larry@pdn.paradyne.com
AT&T Paradyne, LG-132           Phone: (813) 530-8605
8545 - 126th Avenue, North
Largo, FL, 34649-2826           She's old and she's creaky, but she holds!