[comp.dcom.lans] NCSA wih SLIP. How to make it work? New version of NCSA ?

politis@vmsa.technion.ac.il (08/09/90)

I am trying to run NCSA with SLIP, without any success...
Once Telnet initiated I get the following :

Warning: packet driver vector invalid, using default search

therefore I assume that the packet driver is badly installed and that Telnet is
trying to read the config.tel file as if there was no packet driver, which of
course cause the end of execution.

Do you have any idea of the meaning of this warning message? I am using the
Clarkson packet driver, with the following procedure

        SLIP8250 0x7e SLIP 4 0x3f8 9600 576 8092

Moreover I heard about a newer version of NCSA what are the improvements fo
this version compare to the 2.2D version that I am currently dealing with ?
Could it be better for my purpose (SLIP) ? Does it worth to buy it ?


Following is my config.tel if of any help for you to understand my problem...
( Just don't ask me how I make it because I didn't...Somebody give it to me and
now I have to deal with it)

#   Version 2.2D enhancements developed at Clarkson University
#       1/26/89
#               By Brad Clements
#               Bugs to  bkc@omnigate.clarkson.edu

myip=                 # ip types are
                                #  bootp        - sends out a BOOTP request for
your IP
                                #  rarp         - Uses reverse ARp to get your I
                                #  xx.yy.zz.qq  - your IP address

netmask=           #  needed if not using BOOTP.
                                #  otherwise not needed because Bootp gets your
                                # harware choices
                                #  3com         - 3com 3c501
                                #  3c523        - 3com 3c523
                                #  wd800        - Western Digitial 800E
                                #  nicpc        -
                                #  nicps        -
                                #  ni5210       - Micom Interlan NI5210 card
                                #  packet       - FTP packet Driver spec
                                # (currently only Ethernet class devices are sup

#interrupt=4                    # hardware IRQ interrupt
#address=0                      # base memory address or packet driver class
                                # if using packet driver (0 == default == ethern
                                # or class=6 for slip
#ioaddr=0x3f8                   # I/O address  or packet int vector if using pac
ket driver
                                # If = 0 and packet driver, telbin looks for fir
                                # packet driver found between 60H and 7FH

video=auto                      # video choices
                                #  auto         - automatically determines video
                                #  cga
                                #  ega
                                #  hercules
                                #  pga
                                #  no9

bios=no                         # Bios=Yes -> uses bios, bios=no -> goes direct
to screen
                                # If you have a snowy CGA, use bios=yes

tek=yes                         # yes to enable Tektronix emulation, otherwise N
capfile=capfile.out             # default name for capture file
hpfile=hp.out                   # file to write HPGL to,
                                # COM1 can be used for attached plotter
psfile=ps.out                   # file to write postscript to
tekfile=tek.out                 # file to write Tek codes to
erase=delete                    # use delete code or backspace code for <- key?
                                #   legal values are "delete" and "backspace"

clearsave=yes                   # save visible lines in scrollback when
                                #    clearing screen
scrollback=100                  # number of lines of scrollback per session

                                # following are screen colors in a session
                                # you can also place them after a host declarati
                                # below, to set the color on a host by host basi
                                # a foreground color that is capitalized
                                # sets the bold bit, if a background color
                                # is capitalized it sets the blink bit.
nfcolor=white                   # normal foreground color
nbcolor=blue                    # normal background color
rfcolor=YELLOW                  # reverse foreground color
rbcolor=blue                    # reverse background color
ufcolor=red                     # underline foreground color
ubcolor=blue                    # underline background color

ftp=yes                         # yes to allow incoming FTP sessions, no otherwi

rcp=yes                         # Remote Copy, yes if you want to allow it
                                # otherwise No.
domaintime=4                    # domain name lookup timeout (first retry)
domainretry=4                   # domain name max number of retries
domainslist="technion.ac.il"    # domain name search path
                                # domain name lookup will attach each of these
                                # comma seperated suffixes to
                                # the end of the name you are looking for to
                                # discover the full name and IP address.
                                # so, looking for x tries x.clarkson.edu and x.a
ux.clarkson.edu then just x
                                # unless you use  x.  which ONLY looks for x
### Entries for tn3270 use
#map3270="c:\ncsa\map3270"       # you don't need this for version 2.2D
                                # and if don't want to change the default
                                # TN3270 keymaps then you don't need it either
                                # however, if you do want to change the
                                # 3270 keymaps, use the makemap.bat file
                                # to generate one (see the documentation)
tnmode=off                      # 3270 connection mode
                                # choices are
                                # auto - (default)
                                # flagged, notflagged, off
                                # see the manual (best to just use auto)

arptime=10                      # arp timeout in seconds
                                #    affects machines on your local network

retrans=1                       # starting retransmit time out in ticks
                                #   1/18ths of sec MAX 100, min 1
mtu=1024                        # maximum transmit unit in bytes
                                #   outgoing packet size, MAX=1500

maxseg=2048                     # largest segment we can receive
                                #   whatever the hardware can take, MAX=4096
rwin=2048                       # most bytes we can receive without ACK
                                #   =TCP window size, MAX=4096

contime=20                      # timeout in seconds to try connection
                                #   before returning error to user

gateway=              # This machine is a gateway for me


name=tx ; hostip=