[comp.dcom.lans] TCP/IP on MS-DOS PC

phl@pe.dk (Per H Larsen) (10/23/90)

I'm involved in a project where we want our Unix computer to function
as a server to some MS/DOS PC's. I want to write MY OWN applications
on the PC that communicates with the Unix server.
My plan is to do this in a TCP/IP - Ethernet enviroment so I'm looking
for Software that implements TCP/IP on a MS/DOS PC and additionally has
an Application Programmers Interface from C. Further I'm looking for a
realy good Ethernet controler for the PC's.

I have heard of Wollongong WIN/TCP but there must be other products ?

Has any one had experience with Wollongong WIN/TCP ? or any other product ?

Any product is of interest.

Please Email me directly. I'll send a summary to the net if there appers
to be any interest.

 ! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ !
 ! +  Per Hyttel Larsen      ---       Telephone : +45-86 22 25 22         + !
 ! +  Purup Electronics     /---\      Facsimile : +45-86 22 25 11         + !
 ! +  Soenderskovvej 5     | . . |     Telex     :  68242 purel dk         + !
 ! +  DK - 8520 Lystrup     \ U /      Email     :  phl@pe.dk              + !
 ! +  Denmark                \-/       Uucp      : ...!dkuug!pe!phl        + !
 ! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ !