cmilono@netcom.UUCP (Carlo Milono) (11/10/90)
Given that you have four wires (which *could* support 10BASET), and those span a length surpassing the 10BASET limits, the only copper solution would be to use T-1 LADS. There are products that will give you 2.048M, but prepare for many $$'s. A second choice would be for Microwave, which could be expandable to support other networks (incl. voice). My best bet would be to investigate pulling in 62.5 micron Fiber through the conduit and putting in FOIRL-to-10BASE(X) adapters. The fiber/labor/parts cost would probably be significantly cheaper than the other previous schemes - and you could re-use that glass for FDDI someday - if and when. -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Carlo Milono: netcom! or apple!netcom!cmilono | |"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, | |that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." - Jonathan Swift | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+