[comp.dcom.lans] Wiring for 10baseT

JS05STAF@MIAMIU.BITNET (Joe Simpson) (12/08/90)

We are converting from type 66 punch down blocks for cross connects
to a block that punches like a type 66, but connects to a standard
RJ12 jack (4 wires)  Our present application is low speed async
data.  We expect to transition to 10baseT ethernet in the future.
Our configuration looks like (all punch down in a closet)
                  | 66   |                | 66     |
==station cable ==| block| ==hookup wire==| cross  |=== DTE com gear
                  |      |                | connect|
   We want to transition to:
                  | 66    |               | new   |
==station cable== | block |==hookup wire==| RJ12  |===  DTE com gear
                  |       |               | cross |*
                                          | block |
                           Where * marks an RJ12 connection where there
                           used to be a punch down.
 Is anyone out there wiring like this?
 If so what product do you use as the RJ12 cross block?
 We have Reliance R66MOD204 10 jack blocks in for evaluation.  They
 work well with low speed data.  We have a question about highspeed
 I will summarize responses to the net if there is sufficient response.
  Thanks   Joe Simpson.