[comp.dcom.lans] Novell 386 in Pascal / Thanks! *B-)

) (12/11/90)

I posted a question here about 3-4 weeks ago about Novell 386 calls in
Turbo Pascal. I got a bunch of replies, thanks a lot. However, my account
got messed with and I lost the addresses. In particular somebody sent
me an address to send something to. It got you on some kind of an Email
list of something for a newsletter. If anybody out there knows anything
about this please drop me a line.

|  _________                                                                  
| |         |   <           W   W  RRRR   OOO  N   N  GGG     W   W  AAA  Y   Y
| |  O   O  |  <<<<<<<<<<<  W   W  R   R O   O NN  N G        W   W A   A Y   Y
| |    o    | <<<<<<<<<<<   W   W  RRRR  O   O N N N G   G    W   W AAAAA  YYY
| |_________|  <<<<<<<<<<<  W W W  R   R O   O N  NN G   G    W W W A   A   Y
| |    ____ |   <            W W   R   R  OOO  N   N  GGGG     W W  A   A   Y
| |_________|
| Steve Gunn ---->   UUCP --> 00csgunn@bsu-cs.bsu.edu    GENIE --> C.GUNN     
| The Indiana Academy, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana 47306
| "Send me Email, I love Apple Hackers..... II Infinitum!"