[comp.dcom.lans] need: lpr daemon for Wollongong TCP/IP

msieweke@hayes.uucp (01/09/91)

We are running Wollongong TCP/IP on our VAXes and we need to print from
our Suns onto our VAX printers.  Does anyone know of an lpr daemon for
Wollongong?  This seems like it would be a common request.  Public domain
or commercial is OK.

Please post or e-mail and I will summarize.  Thanks in advance.
Mike Sieweke                            ...!uunet!hayes!msieweke
Hayes Microcomputer Products            msieweke@hayes.uucp
Norcross, Georgia                       hayes!msieweke@uunet.uu.net

k2@bl.physik.tu-muenchen.de (Klaus Steinberger) (01/09/91)

msieweke@hayes.uucp writes:

>We are running Wollongong TCP/IP on our VAXes and we need to print from
>our Suns onto our VAX printers.  Does anyone know of an lpr daemon for
>Wollongong?  This seems like it would be a common request.  Public domain
>or commercial is OK.

Look into the anonymous ftp-area at ecf.ncsl.nist.gov

The author of the software is Daniel Allen, allen@ecf.ncsl.nist.gov

Klaus Steinberger

Klaus Steinberger               Beschleunigerlabor der TU und LMU Muenchen
Phone: (+49 89)3209 4287        Hochschulgelaende
FAX:   (+49 89)3209 4280        D-8046 Garching, Germany
BITNET: K2@DGABLG5P             Internet: k2@bl.physik.tu-muenchen.de

meadows@cslvax.weeg.uiowa.edu (01/10/91)

In article <3719.278a0ba5@hayes.uucp>, msieweke@hayes.uucp writes:
>We are running Wollongong TCP/IP on our VAXes and we need to print from
>our Suns onto our VAX printers.  Does anyone know of an lpr daemon for
>Wollongong?  This seems like it would be a common request.  Public domain
>or commercial is OK.
>Please post or e-mail and I will summarize.  Thanks in advance.
>Mike Sieweke                            ...!uunet!hayes!msieweke
>Hayes Microcomputer Products            msieweke@hayes.uucp
>Norcross, Georgia                       hayes!msieweke@uunet.uu.net
    We are using Wollongong TCP/IP on one of our VAXes, and version 5.1 
of their software includes LPR/LPD functionality. I have not used it to
print to any SUNs, but have successfully printed to other UNIX boxes
such as NeXt and Encore. If you are paying for Wollongong support, they
should send you the 5.1 version update. Contact your TWG sales rep.

* Howard Meadows                 Internet : meadows@cslvax.weeg.uiowa.edu *
* Sr. Systems Programmer         BITnet   : meadowva@uiamvs.bitnet        *
* Weeg Computing Center          Phone    : 319-335-5519                  *
* University Of Iowa                                                      *
* Iowa City, Iowa 52242                                                   *