pjd@eagle.inesc.pt (Paulo Jorge Delgado) (02/02/91)
Hello news readers. I'm having a problem with a 3Com terminal server. It's a CS/210 and I've installed a dial-out modem in one of it's ports. I need to connect to a UNIX host which accepts connections at 1200 and 2400 bps. To make getty switch between these two speeds I need to send a break character to the remote host. Here's what I usually do: % telnet telnet> debbug # Debug mode is on. # because dg/ux forms the IP character telnet> map "" IP # improperly telnet> open modem Trying... Connected to modem. Escape sequence: ^] # lots of garbage here because of incorret # line speed (1200 bps) # I use the escape sequence ^] telnet> send BRK Returned to remote host. login: Now the problem begins. I've managed to make the remote getty operate at the correct speed, but the CS/210 hangs the port after receiving a telnet break character. The terminal server receives my input, but it doesn't go into the modem. To make it work again I do a "send AYT", but getty switches back to 1200. What am I doing wrong? Any sugestions are welcome. Thanks in advance. The port parameters are: DefaultParameters for PortId !8 ...................Port Transmission and VTP Characteristics................... AUToDisconnect = Disabled AUtoLogoff = OFF BUffersize = 82 DeVice = ( Host, Glass, DeFault ) PermanentVC = "" .........................Port Physical Characteristics......................... BAud = 2400 BSPad = None CRPad = None FFPad = None LFPad = None TabPad = None DataBits = 8 DUplex = Full LinePRotocol = ASynchronous PARIty = ( None ) StopBits = 1 UseDCDout = ( OnConnection, ToggleonDisc ) UseDTRin = AsDCD (by DCE) .................Session Transmission and VTP Characteristics.................. BReakAction = IGnore DIsconnectAction = None DataForward = None ECHOData = OFF ECHOMask = ( AlphaNum, CR, Term, Punct ) NetAScii = UseLF FlowControlFrom = ( CTS_RTS, Xon_Xoff ) FlowControlTo = ( CTS_RTS, Xon_Xoff ) IdleTimer = 1 LongBReakAction = IGnore XmitBinary = OFF XOFF = ^S XON = ^Q -- Paulo Jorge Delgado INESC, Lisboa, Portugal Email: pjd@eniac.inesc.pt