[comp.dcom.lans] Cable TV MANs

bjd7p@pinstripe.cs.Virginia.EDU (Bert J. Dempsey) (02/13/91)

We would like to go beyond modem/leased line data 
rates (e.g. robust connections at 
> 19.2 Kbits/s) for users working at home who want remote 
terminal access to an Ethernet-workstation-NFS environment at work.
It would seem that a city-wide network running over the 
the local cable TV lines is potentially an attractive alternative.

Does anyone know of a community that is experimenting with data channels 
over cable TV lines?
Given that cable companies vary somewhat (a lot?) in terms of the exact 
nature of their hardware and software capabilities,
what are the technical and legal challenges involved?

I'll summarize to the net from any and all replies....

Bert Dempsey 			           | "Literature--- a mildly 
(bjd7p@uvacs.cs.Virginia.EDU)              |   interesting historical
Computer Science, University of Virginia   |  	of no current significance..."
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903            |              John Barth