drg@csri.toronto.edu (Dave Galloway) (02/09/91)
I'm interested in wireless LANs. I've collected the following rumours and pointers to various products. If you know of any more, or if you can fill in any of the missing details, please send me mail. I'll summarize to the net if I get anything useful: Company: Agilis Corp Technology: UHF ? Reference: brown@wucs1.wustl.edu net article Date: Jan 91 Company: Apple Address: Advanced Technology Group (Bill Stevens) Product: Data Personal Communications Service Technology: 10 Mbps at 1850 MHz, details not released Reference: EE Times Feb 4/91 pg. 4 Date: Feb 91 Company: BICC Technology: IR ? Reference: brown@wucs1.wustl.edu net article Date: Jan 91 Company: Echelon Corp. Technology: up to 1 Mbps at 50 MHz radio Reference: EE Times Feb 4/91 pg. 4 Date: Feb 91 Company: Motorola Product: Wireless Inbuilding Network (WIN) Phone: (708) 632-2853 (Cheryl Beck) Technology: 15 Mbps max rate TDMA at 18 GHz Range: 120 ft ? Date: Feb 91 Company: NCR Product: WaveLAN Technology: 1-2 Mbps at 900 MHz Reference: EE Times Feb 4/91 pg. 4 Date: Feb 91 Company: O'Neill Communications Address: Princeton, NJ Product: Local Area Wireless Network (LAWN) Reference: Richard Thornton, IEEE Spectrum Jan 91, pg 56 Date: Jan 91 Company: Photonics Corp Technology: IR Reference: brown@wucs1.wustl.edu net article Date: Jan 91 Company: Telesystems SLW Inc. Address: 85 Scarsdale Rd, Suite 201, Don Mills, Ont M3B 2R2 Phone: (416) 441-9966 Product: ARLAN Technology: CDMA spread spectrum at 915 MHz, 200 Kbps max rate, up to 1 Watt Range: 500 ft omni Date: Feb 89 Group: 802.11 Product: recently formed IEEE group to decide on wireless LAN standards Reference: Russ_Housley.McLean_CSD@xerox.com net article Date: Feb 91
andrewm@macadam.mqcs.mq.oz.au (Andrew Myles) (03/18/91)
G'day all, I am just starting a PhD at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. I am considering a topic related to wireless networking as a possible topic. I can't be more specific yet as I have not read enough yet. Incidently my background is in Data Link and Network layers. Does anyone have any good references to articles (and books although not likely) about wireless networking at any level (layer). Also information about where work is currently being done would be appreciated. Thank you in advance, Andrew Myles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: andrewm@avalon.mqcs.mq.oz.au || andrewm@mpce.mq.edu.au In-Real-Life: Andrew Myles Organisation: High Speed Networks Group, Electronics Discipline, School of Mathematics, Physics, Computing and Electronics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia 2109. Telephone: +61 2 8058439 (W), +61 2 8058983 (Fax), +61 2 446315 (H).
yedinak@motcid.UUCP (Mark A. Yedinak) (03/19/91)
andrewm@macadam.mqcs.mq.oz.au (Andrew Myles) writes:
:G'day all,
:I am just starting a PhD at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. I am
:considering a topic related to wireless networking as a possible topic. I can't
:be more specific yet as I have not read enough yet. Incidently my background
:is in Data Link and Network layers.
:Does anyone have any good references to articles (and books although not likely)
:about wireless networking at any level (layer). Also information about where
:work is currently being done would be appreciated.
Motorola Inc, has just announced and is currently shipping a wireless ethernet
product. The product is named Altair. You can contact Cheryl Beck and request
information from her. I am not sure if we would have any useful information for
you, but it is definitely a place to start. You may contact Cheryl at the
following address:
Cheryl Beck
Motorola Inc.
3209 N. Wilke Road
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
Also, several articles have appeared in various LAN publications since November
of last year. These articles were published after the Motorola's technology
announcement announcing its Wireless Inbuilding Network (WIN) technology
I hope this helps.
Mark A. Yedinak - uunet!motcid!yedinak * "Don't take life too
Motorola - General Systems Sector * seriously, you will
3205 Wilke Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 * never get out of it
708-632-2874 (I said it, not the big M) * ALIVE!"
drg@csri.toronto.edu (Dave Galloway) (03/21/91)
About 6 weeks ago I posted a request for information about wireless LAN products. The following is a summary of the stuff I have so far. This list is still missing a lot. If you know of any product or company not on the list, or if you can give more details on anything here, please send me some mail. (For instance, what is the contact number for NCR's WaveLAN ?) I'll summarize to the net if I get anything more: Company: Agilis Corp Address: 1390 Shorebird Way, Mountain View, CA 94043 Phone: (415) 962-9400; FAX (415) 962-9202 Technology: portable computers with wireless net Date: Sep 90 Company: Apple Address: Advanced Technology Group (Bill Stevens) Product: Data Personal Communications Service Technology: 10 Mbps at 1850 MHz, details not released Range: 150 feet Reference: EE Times Feb 4/91 pg. 4 Date: Feb 91 Company: BICC Address: 103 Millbury Street, Auburn, MA 01501 Phone: (508) 832-8650 or (800) 338-4964; FAX (508) 832-8689 Technology: wireless token-ring MAU using IR Date: Mar 91 Company: California Microwave Inc Product: RadioLink LAN Technology: 250 Kbits/sec max frequency hopping at 900 or 2400 MHz Range: 500 feet indoors Price: $3450 US list Size: 8 lbs, 8.5"x4"x13" Address: 985 Almanor Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Phone: (408) 732-4000 or (800) 772-5465 Date: Feb 91 Company: Echelon Corp. Technology: in home bus ?; up to 1 Mbps at 50 MHz radio Reference: EE Times Feb 4/91 pg. 4 Date: Feb 91 Company: Motorola Product: Altair; Wireless Inbuilding Network (WIN) Phone: (708) 632-2853 or (800) 233-0877 Technology: 15 Mbps max rate TDMA at 18 GHz Size: 7 lbs, 3"x8"x11" plus 2 pound power cube Range: 40 ft indoors Price: $3995 US for master; $3495 US module connects up to 6 Cheapernet hosts Date: Feb 91 Company: NCR Product: WaveLAN Technology: 1-2 Mbps at 900 MHz spread spectrum; PC cards Reference: EE Times Feb 4/91 pg. 4 Date: Feb 91 Company: O'Neill Communications Inc. Address: 100 Thanet Circle, Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: (609) 924-1095 Product: Local Area Wireless Network (LAWN) Technology: 38.4 Kbps max rate CDMA at 900 MHz; RS-232 at 19.2 Kbps interface Price: $298 US Range: 100 feet indoors Date: Mar 91 Company: Photonics Corp Technology: IR Reference: brown@wucs1.wustl.edu net article Date: Jan 91 Company: Telesystems SLW Inc. Address: 85 Scarsdale Rd, Suite 201, Don Mills, Ont M3B 2R2 Phone: (416) 441-9966; FAX (416) 441-9785 Product: ARLAN 100 Technology: CDMA SS at 900 MHz, 200 Kbps channel, unit limited to 19.2 Kb RS-232 Price: $4500 Can. for Arlan 110-010 central unit; $2500 Can for Arlan 140 remote Size: Arlan 140 1 pound portable with Nicad battery Notes: point to point or point to central only Range: 500 ft omni Date: Mar 91 Company: Telesystems SLW Inc. Address: 85 Scarsdale Rd, Suite 201, Don Mills, Ont M3B 2R2 Phone: (416) 441-9966; FAX (416) 441-9785 Product: ARLAN 450 Technology: CDMA spread spectrum at 900 MHz, 250 Kbps max rate, up to 1 Watt Price: $1875 Can. for PC card Range: 500 ft omni Date: Mar 91 Company: Windata, Inc. Address: Northboro, Mass. ? Technology: wireless LAN startup, no product yet Reference: EE Times, March 4, 1991, pg 22. Date: Mar 91 Company: 802.11 Product: newly formed IEEE group to decide on wireless LAN standards Reference: Russ_Housley.McLean_CSD@xerox.com net article Date: Feb 91