[comp.dcom.lans] hanging telnet/rlogin sessions?

todd@pinhead.pegasus.com (Todd Ogasawara) (05/09/91)

My configuration
	Everex Step 386/33, 8M RAM
	WD8003E Ethernet Card
	Interactive UNIX 2.2 (System V/386 R3)
	Interactive TCP/IP 1.2

	IBM AT (the old 6MHz one), 512K RAM
	16mbps Token Ring Card
	WD8003E Ethernet Card
	Wollongong WIN/ROUTE R2.1 (TCP/IP<->Novell routing software)

	Various Novell workstations
	running Wollongong WIN/TCP for DOS (R 4.1.1)
	using either the Wollongong supplied VT100 emulator
		or MS-Kermit 3.10 (using SET PORT BIOS1)

I just installed an Ethernet:TCP/IP-to-Token-Ring:Novell gateway and have
run into a few mysteries (some of which I've cleared up). I have one
problem that I haven't figured out how to handle though. It turns out
that the DOS-based Wollongong rlogin software is a bit flaky and I get a
bunch of aborted sessions (see bottom two entries in the table below).
I've also, on occassion, had a Wollongong telnet session aborted for
reasons I don't understand. The problem I am concerned with right now,
though, is that TCP/IP on the UNIX side seems to hang on to aborted
sessions (see the three sessions marked CLOSED in the table below). Does
anyone know how to safely disengage these sessions (short of rebooting
the system)?

Active Internet connections
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)
tcp        0      0  pinhead.pegasus..telne todd.apslan.2543       ESTABLISHED
tcp        0   3514  pinhead.pegasus..telne todd.apslan.4039       CLOSED
tcp        0    718  pinhead.pegasus..login todd.apslan.558        CLOSED
tcp        0    601  pinhead.pegasus..login todd.apslan.624        CLOSED

Todd Ogasawara ::: Hawaii Medical Service Association
Internet       ::: todd@pinhead.pegasus.com
Telephone      ::: (808) 536-9162 ext. 7