toni@usenix.ORG (Toni Veglia) (05/16/91)
USENIX, the UNIX and Advanced Computing Systems professional and technical organization, is a not-for-profit association dedicated to * fostering innovation and communicating research and technological developments, * sharing ideas and experience, relevant to UNIX, UNIX-related and advanced computing systems * providing a forum for the exercise of critical thought and airing of technical issues. Founded in 1975, the Association sponsors two annual technical conferences, a once-a-year vendor exhibition, and frequent symposia and workshops addressing special interest topics, such as C++, Mach, systems administration, and distributed/multi- processor sytems. USENIX publishes proceedings of its meetings, a bi-monthly newsletter ;login:, a refereed technical quarterly, Computing Systems, and is expanding its publishing role with a book series on advanced computing systems. The Association also actively participates in and reports on the activities of various ANSI, IEEE and ISO standards efforts. For membership information, please contact: ********************************************************************** If you couldn't join us in Atlanta, the proceedings from the Symposium on Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems II (SEDMS) are now available for $30 for USENIX members, and $36 for non-members. This price includes postage for domestic and Canadian shipping. Please add $20 for overseas postage (air printed matter). You can place your order by phone or email using your VISA or Master- card. Or you can send a check or purchase order to our office. USENIX Association 2560 Ninth St., Suite 215 Berkeley, CA 94710 415-528-8649 The USENIX Association Staff ______________________________________________________________________ Symposium on Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems (SEDMS) II March 21-22, 1991 Atlanta, Georgia TABLE OF CONTENTS Session I System-Building & Experience Experience Developing the RP3 Operating System .....................1 Ray Bryant, Hung-Yang Chang and Bryan Rosenburg (IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center) Experiences with Distributed Data Management in Real-time C3 Systems.........................................................19 Paul J. Fortier (Naval Underwater Systems Center), David V. Pitts, John C. Sieg, Jr. and C. Thomas Wilkes (Department of Computer Science, University of Lowell) The ION Data Engine................................................35 Marc F. Pucci (Bellcore) Building a Semi-Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor System Based on Network Process Extension.......................................51 Helen S. Raizen (Prime Computer Inc.) and Stephen C. Schwarm (Digital Equipment Corporation) Session II RPC and Communications Implementation and Performance of a Communication Facility for the RAID Distributed Transaction Processing System.............................................................69 Enrique Mafla and Bharat Bhargava (Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University) Experience with Threads and RPC in Mach............................87 Dan Duchamp (Computer Science Department, Columbia University) Kernel-Kernel Communication in a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor....................................................105 Eliseu M. Chaves, Jr. (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Thomas J. LeBlanc, Brian D. Marsh and Michael L. Scott (Computer Science Department, University of Rochester) Session III Scheduling & Synchronization Process Scheduling and Synchronization in the Renaissance Object-Oriented Multiprocessor Operating System...................133 Vincent F. Russo (Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University) A Hybrid Approach to Load Balancing in Distributed Systems...........................................................149 Prabha Gopinath (Philips Laboratories), and Rajiv Gupta (Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh) FALCON: A Distributed Scheduler for MIMD Architectures............149 Andrew S. Grimshaw (Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia) and Virgilio E. Vivas (Department of Informatics, LAGOVEN, S.A., Venezuela) Session IV Debugging and Analysis Performance Evaluation of the Sylvan Multiprocessor Architecture......................................................165 Forbes J. Burkowski, Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon J. Vreugdenhil (Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo) and Crispin Cowan (Computer Sciences Department, University of Western Ontario) Debugging Multiprocessor Operating System Kernels.................185 Noemi Paciorek, Susan LoVerso and Alan Langerman (Encore Computer Corporation) Debugging the Time Warp Operating System and Its Application Programs..........................................................203 Peter L. Reiher (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Steven Bellenot (The Florida State University), and David Jefferson (UCLA) Session V Performance Tuning Lock Granularity Tuning Mechanisms in SVR4/MP.....................221 Mark D. Campbell, Russ Holt and John Slice (NCR Corporation, E&M Columbia) Measured Performance of Caching in the Sprite Network File System...........................................................229 Brent Welch (Xerox-PARC CSL) Session VI Distributing Memory and Data Using Kernel-Level Support for Distributed Shared Data...........247 David L. Cohn, Paul M. Greenawalt, Michael R. Casey and Matthew P. Stevenson (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame) Virtual Memory Xinu..............................................261 Douglas Comer and James Griffioen (Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University) Early Experience with Building and Using the Gothic Distributed Operating System.....................................271 Isabelle Puaut, Michel Banatre and Jean-Paul Routeau (IRISA--INRIA, France) Session VII Distributed Systems Supporting an Object-Oriented Distributed System: Experience with UNIX, Mach and Chorus......................................283 F. Boyer, J. Cayuela, P. Y. Chevalier, A. Freyssinet, and Daniel Hagimont (Unite Mixte Bull-IMAG Systemes, Gieres, France) Can We Study Design Issues of Distributed Operating Systems in a Generalized Way?...........................................301 G. W. Gerrity, A. Goscinski, J. Indulska, W. Toomey and W. Zhu (Department of Computer Science, University College, University of New South Wales) Language and Operating System Support for Distributed Programming in Clouds...........................................321 Partha Dasgupta (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University), R. Ananthanarayanan, Sathis Menon, Ajay Mohindra, Mark Pearson, Raymond Chen and Christopher Wilkenloh (Distributed Systems Laboratory, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology)