rbraun@spdcc.COM (Rich Braun) (06/12/91)
Our company has a network of Unix systems attached to a Novell network. Most of the company uses cc:Mail on the Novell network, but a few users have started taking advantage of the uucp connection into the Internet. Is there a low-cost or no-cost way of attaching Novell MHS to SMTP or uucp mailers, preferably in the form of Unix software which references Novell servers via NFS as opposed to DOS software which requires spare dedicated PCs? -rich
marty@wwoh.com (Martin B. Winston) (06/13/91)
rbraun@spdcc.COM (Rich Braun) writes: > Is there a low-cost or no-cost way of attaching Novell MHS to SMTP or > uucp mailers, preferably in the form of Unix software which references > Novell servers via NFS as opposed to DOS software which requires > spare dedicated PCs? To my knowledge, there is no incarnation of MHS that can live on a Unix host - there's one product that comes close on a Mac - and the rest are on PCs (that may be wrong; if it is, Action Technologies will know). Therefore, your connection has to happen as a gateway process from a PC-based (or PC networked-based) MHS. There is one small group working on UGATE, which is adapting the UUCICO from Waffle into an MHS-UUCP dial-out gateway; the problem is, it can't (so far) handle News, just mail. Should be solid enough for shareware in about 60 days, I'll guess. In the meantime, S-Bridge is a solid performer. It does require a bridge PC connected to the Ethernet as well as to the MHS hub - cheap enough at today's prices. Contact: COMPUTER MAIL SERVICES (Southfield, MI) 313-352-6700; F:352-8387. Or, you could just let individuals run Waffle under DOS. __________/\/\.\/\/. "May all your sins be original, or good copies." Marty Winston ______________________________________________________________________ | Martin B. Winston, APR | Compuserve: 71327,1266 | uunet!wwoh!marty |\ | Russell, OH 44072 | MHS: Marty@WWOH | BIX: MartyWW | | | (216) 338-8400 | fax: 216-338-8117 | WB8LBV | | |________________________|_________________________|___________________| | \______________________________________________________________________\|
wheat@aurs01.UUCP (Lee Wheat) (06/15/91)
I believe that cc:Mail has sn SMTP gateway product. A company I worked for has a mix of pc's attached to novel servers and unix machines and wanted to be able to send mail between them. they standardized on cc:Mail because of its apparent popularity in the pc world and the available SMTP gateway. it should be available directly from the makers of cc:Mail. needless to say, i won't be no cost :-(.
michael@taeva.UUCP (Michael Titgemeyer) (06/17/91)
Yes, there is cheap way: Try PMAIL & CHARON. PMail is a very good E-Mail running under Netware 2.xx & 3.xx. Charon interfaces to SMTP. Also it requires the Clarkson Packet drivers. You can find PMAIL & Charon on compuServ or on anonymous ftp: splicer.cba.hawaii.edu (, mibsrv.mib.eng.ua.edu ( or gufalet.let.rug.nl (
howard@cos.com (Howard C. Berkowitz) (06/18/91)
Many UNIX-based X.400 systems have an inherent SMTP (or at least UNIX mail) to X.400 capability, due to the architecture of the overall messaging product. Remember that X.400 is effectively a mailer, not a user interface. A common way of implementing X.400 on UNIX is to leave sendmail as is, and let it build the normal uucp queues. Periodically, crontab scans the uucp queues and looks for messages with X.400 addresses. Those messages are then converted to X.400 format. The uucp mailer and X.400 Message Transfer Agent are invoked independently to send out queued messages. This explanation deals with creating mail to send out. As long as a system can create UNIX mail and get it to the queues of a machine with UNIX and X.400 mailers, the necessary conversions can take place. This mixed architecture of UNIX and X.400 mail was used in Transport Canada's open systems demonstration at the recent COS conference in Vancouver. Five different UNIX systems were interconnected, not all of which had X.400. In the demonstration, X.400 was used both between groups of UNIX systems and (conceptually) to non-UNIX X.400 (e.g., on a mainframe). I hasten to add that the above was the user's demonstration, not a formal COS architecture. Standard disclaimers also apply. -- howard@cos.com OR {uunet, decuac, sun!sundc}!cos!howard (703) 883-2812 [W] (703) 998-5017 [H] DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Corporation for Open Systems, its members, or any standards body.
cwm@sooner.palo-alto.ca.us (Chris Moore) (06/19/91)
howard@cos.com (Howard C. Berkowitz) writes: >Many UNIX-based X.400 systems have an inherent SMTP (or at least >UNIX mail) to X.400 capability, due to the architecture >of the overall messaging product. Remember that X.400 is >effectively a mailer, not a user interface. >A common way of implementing X.400 on UNIX is to leave >sendmail as is, and let it build the normal uucp queues. >Periodically, crontab scans the uucp queues and looks for >messages with X.400 addresses. Those messages are then >converted to X.400 format. The uucp mailer and X.400 >Message Transfer Agent are invoked independently to send >out queued messages. Howard makes a good point that SMTP is a standard feature on most (all?) unix systems. However, I am not aware of any systems, other than the Berkeley software releases which have ISODE (? I'm not even sure about those), that actually ship X.400 software with the system. Typically you are going to look to either the system maker or a third party like Touch or Retix to provide the X.400 component at an additional cost. Just about all of your options will use different internal architecures -- using Sendmail for SMTP processing and some X.400 software coexisting with it is common (I know that Touch does it this way). I'd never heard of a system actually using cron for processing the mail queues. All the software I've seen for this kind of processing either implemented its own polling mechanism or used a dynamic invocation method for transfering mail between the two communities (X.400 and SMTP). >This explanation deals with creating mail to send out. >As long as a system can create UNIX mail and get it to the >queues of a machine with UNIX and X.400 mailers, the >necessary conversions can take place. In this scenario it is important to take note that the two communities of users (X.400 and SMTP) are being gatewayed between. This, in many cases, results in awkward representations of information particular to one community or the other in the other. X.400 addresses can be difficult to deal with in the SMTP community and vice versa. There are many ways that people have used to simplify this -- some work well and others are quite limited in their ability to support large user communities. If you are using an SMTP based mail interface (mailx, mh, elm, etc.) you will be able to get mail to recipients on the other side of the gateway but it isn't guaranteed that you will be able to utilize all types of X.400 services options. The opposit is also quite true -- X.400 users may not be able to make use of all their services in sending a message to an SMTP recipient. All this really leads to the observation that today some software systems exist that stuggle to allow the various communities to coexist. Using an X.400 mail system and Sendmail on the same system is duplicating many functions and in most cases brings on additional administrative problems. There are some newer software systems, like PP which was developed at UCL, that take an integrated approach to handling both communities (and others).... I really think this is the type of long term direction that the software systems will have to follow in order to provide adequate support for both communities. - Chris