(Brian Steiner) (06/18/91)
Does anyone know the specific parameters required inorder to run the NETWKSTA program. Here's the story. We had purchased a 5 user version of 3COM's Lan Manager 1.1 back when 3COM was providing the software. In that small environment we found a way to load most of the network drivers and some programs into high memory with the help of Quarterdeck's QEMM386. This was all in preparation for the LAN MANAGER 2.0 software that was on the way. Christmas came and we ripped open the boxes, already educated on how to maximize to most of our memory. Unfortunatly Microsoft pulled a fast one and changed something, somewhere. We hunted through INI files like you wouldn't believe. One interesting one, located in the \LANMAN.DOS\NETPROG directory of our DOS machine, had some parameters appended to the NETWKSTA program. When trying these on the command line, awful messages kept appearing like it had no idea what I was trying to convey. After hours of frustrating attempts, I finally found a sequence of steps that partially achieved what I was trying to accomplish. Here are the steps: 1) Run NET START WORKSTATION (spawns NETWKSTA) 2) Run NET STOP WORKSTATION (kills NETWKSTA) 3) Run ..\LOADHI NETWKSTA /COMPUTERNAME:<name> /LANROOT:<lan dir> Without starting and stopping the network, line 3 failed every time. Once line 1 and 2 were performed I could load and unload NETWKSTA high whenever I wanted. For some reason the inital NET START WORKSTATION is required? If someone has some enlightening experience with trying to perform such a feat, please respond via email. Thank You. #include <std_disclaimer.h> BWS (Jerry Lahti) (06/19/91)
This us what I am using with MS-DOS 5.00 and LAN Manager 2.0: COPY c:\lanman.dos\net.ini \net.del LH MINSES LH netwksta @\net.del LH c:\lanman.dos\services\msrv /NUMMSGNAMES:2 /SIZMESSBUF:256 /LOGFILE:MESSAGES.LOG LH c:\lanman.dos\services\netpopup LH c:\lanman.dos\services\encrypt The 'c:\lanman.dos\net.ini' contains the same information as the [workstation] section in LANMAN.INI in the following format: ============ /CHARCOUNT:16 /CHARTIME:250 /CHARWAIT:128 /RIPL:NO /COMPUTERNAME:JEL /DOMAIN:LAN_SECTION /HIMEM:NO /KEEPAPIS:YES <rest omitted for brevity> ============ Probably values should be specified for all parameters except 'wrkservices'. Two special things about the argument file: - NETWKSTA wants to delete it - line terminator must <LF> instead of the standard DOS <CR><LF> One brave person (not me!) figured this out using a debugger. Of course this feature is not documented or supported by Microsoft and might have unexpected side effects or stop working at any moment. I have seen no bad effects except that I have not been able to figure out how to specify multiple values for parameters (e.g. OTHDOMAINS). Good luck, Jerry Lahti