(Franklin Antonio) (06/22/91)
I'd like to start up a discussion with a different slant. WHO MAKES *GOOD* MULTI-PORT THINWIRE ETHERNET REPEATERS? I'd like to hear from users with GOOD experiences. (Art Stine) (06/25/91)
Here at Clarkson, we have been primarily using DEC's ethernet products, with the exception of using Cabletron MT800's in the place of delni's. We have 2-3 dozen DEMPR's and haven't had problems with them. Rock solid... We are just now getting into some Cabletron MiniMMAC's, which can be configured with your choice of 12 ports (twisted pair, thinwire, fiber, etc). I heard from Cabletron that there were some problems with the IRM modules in the larger MMAC's and perhaps some of the other Cabletron repeater products (their normal 8 port thinwire repeater), but the MiniMMAC was supposed to be clean. I hope they are right, because we are getting a few dozen MiniMMACS and I hope they are as problem free as the DEMPR's have been. art stine sr network engineer clarkson u