Re: Optical disk / Worm on DEC VAX. ( EDN, 13 nov.1986 ) " Providing SCSI hardware and a set of software modules, the GDV optical-disk driver allows you to use an ATG-Gigadisk or Optimem-1000 optical disk drive with DEC VAX computers. Cards that provide an interface with vax 11/700 series or MicroVX computers are available for UnibUS and Q-BUS systems. The software interface includes a VMS 4.2 driver that provide basic read.write ans various optical disk specific functions. Data management software accomodates WORM operations; user selectable routines allow you to create , open or close files as well as to read or write records. A set of DCL commands permits disk and media management. the GDV software supports multiuser access to as many as 16 optical disk drivers operating in parallel." For further information: MC2 ,47 Ave.Alsace Lorraine, 38000 Grenoble, France; Tel. +33 (76) 431300 Telex: 980809 Copyright 1986, Cahners Publishing Co. Hope this help.